Hi! I'm Marie
You have gifts to share with the world and my job is to help you get them out there.
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Button TextDo you ever feel stuck, confused or unsure of how to move forward in your career? I have (many times) ??. It’s not a fun space to be in.
The stress is toxic. The ambiguity and uncertainty get exhausting. Plus, it’s impossible to make smart decisions when you’re consumed with self-doubt. But here’s the good news.
All the wisdom you need is inside of you right now.
You might just need a little help to uncover it.
On this MarieTV Call-In Show, we’re talking with three brave souls who are wrestling with some big career decisions:
- Jackie wonders whether she should quit her secure consulting gig to pursue her side hustle in photography.
- Marinés is feeling lost and frustrated without meaningful work in a new country.
- Mag worries that sharing her personal story will take away from the 41,000-person community she’s built.
If you’re struggling with a decision about your career, business or side hustle and don’t know how to get unstuck, this episode is for you.
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Hey it’s Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business and life you love, and this is the MarieTV Call-In Show. Bam! I am here with Gregory Patterson.
Yes. And we are gonna take your questions, and do our very best to give you, hopefully, some good answers. Let’s do this.
I like that intro.
Hello, this is Jackie, can I help you?
Hi! Oh we don’t know what was goin’ on there. It was the minute of like hello, hello, hello, hello. Hi Jackie, you’re on MarieTV, how ya doin’?
Oh my gosh, I’m about to pee my pants right now!
Oh don’t do that, don’t do that!
That’s how I’m doing!
Well actually, if you really wanna do that, go ahead and do that, you can do whatever you want.
I’m at an age where that can happen any time, so, let’s just do this.
Jackie you are here with myself, with Gregory, the rest of the MarieTV crew.
And we are here to offer any insight and guidance. So tell us your question, and then we’ll dive in.
Okay, here’s my Q. It actually is a little bit of a story, and it kinda starts a little Debbie Downer. So, seven years ago my mom passed away very unexpectedly.
Mm, so sorry.
So I… thank you. I took that as a huge, huge wake-up call that I needed to live a more purposeful life, and really go after my dream, which was to be a portrait photographer, and really just to put all of my creativity out in the world that I could. So I, within a week, quit my job, and decided to start my portrait photography business.
At the same time, a colleague of mine was starting her consulting business, a communication consulting business, and she said, “Hey, you’re probably gonna have some free time, and you might need some cash to get your business going. Why don’t you consult with me, and, you know I’ll throw you some work and you can make some money along the way, and you can grow your photography business.” And I said, “Great, let’s do this!”
So, seven years later, fast forward, her business is going gangbusters, and I’m doing like 90% consulting, maybe 10% working on my photography business. And I feel like… I love a good recess metaphor. I feel like I’m on the jungle gym, on the playground, and I’m holdin’ onto one bar, I got one hand on the consulting job, and one hand on the photography job, and I can’t let go of either, but my little arms are just gettin’ so tired. And, I feel like I either need someone to smack a hand and say, “Let go of the consulting work and you need to go do your thing.” ‘Cause I feel like I’m runnin’ out of time to do my thing.
Or, just, “You know what, “maybe the dream isn’t for you, maybe you just need to stick with your consulting work.”
Well, so you’re lookin’ for a little bit of guidance, in which hand to let go of, am I hearin’ ya right?
Yeah, which hand to let go of, and, you know I listen to your podcasts, and I’ve read so many books that you guys have recommended.
I feel like I’m just not getting, like the kick in the pants I need…
…to make something happen.
Absolutely, well I have a couple questions I wanna ask you, but before we go there, I do want you to write this down. If you Google my name, and then Google “Decision Making: 4 Simple Tests to Help You Make the Right Decision Every Time,” we have a great episode that you may or may not have seen, but I think if you have seen it, it’s worth it to re-watch and re-listen, ’cause I run through four tests that help you really make great decisions, and they’re very holistic tests, so they tap into different aspects of you, both your body wisdom, intellectual, psychological, all these different things, and I wanna make sure that you have those tools, even in addition to this conversation, so…
Question for you, now, you said the dream about starting your own photography business, and I can see that you have a website, and I click through to your website, and you’ve definitely taken some portraits and some photographs and they’re absolutely beautiful. Do you feel like your dream is to take photographs of women? Or is your dream to run a photography business that’s profitable and have that be full time?
Um, my dream is to run a profitable photography business.
And my ultimate, give every bit of my creativity, and make that make money.
Cool, okay so then it sounds like you’re clear on what you want, but the challenge is around giving up, not only the financial security, but going towards the business not knowing if that’s gonna work, and all of the things that come with it, is that right?
That’s right, exactly.
Okay, cool, well, you know it’s a big move. I don’t know what your finances are, but of course, I would recommend this to anyone, that you’ve gotta really take a strong look at your finances. You may be able to, and I don’t know what your friend’s arrangement is, or what your relationship is like, but if at all possible, I would investigate, rather than doing 90% consulting, and 10% photography, is it possible for you to change those dials a little bit? So you actually move down from 90% consulting, to let’s not say zero, right, but maybe about 50%. If you have to still build up a little bit of a nest egg, and from a financial perspective, you’re a little scared, that could be an option to consider.
Now again Jackie, I don’t know if you’re the type of person who’s like, “Look, the only way I’m gonna make somethin’ work is if I burn the bridges behind me, like I need that pressure, I need all of that momentum to move forward.” And some people are like that. That’s not me, but that might be you, is that you?
No, no I’m definitely not. I don’t think I would’ve take her opportunity if I was a burn the bridges kinda gal.
But I’m a people-pleaser kinda gal, and so, if there’s a, “Hey I need your help, we’ve got this opportunity coming up, I need some people to jump on this project.” I don’t say no, I’d say, “Okay.” And then I’m in up over my neck again with more consulting work.
Mmhmm, so this isn’t necessarily a business problem, this is a boundaries problem.
Yeah, well here’s the thing, it’s completely possible, I know in my heart and soul, for you to run a profitable photography business, right? Any business, we don’t have a crystal ball whether or not it’s gonna work. I would tell you, I don’t think you’re a B-Schooler, are you, Jackie?
Not yet.
No, you definitely should be. Again, whether you learn it from me, or you learn it from someone else, anyone who runs a small business, you have got to learn the ins and outs, the depth of marketing, so that you can apply it in a way that makes whatever your gift is, your product or your service, as profitable as it can be, and as impactful as it can be. So, again, I would say if you are gonna let go of that handlebar of the consulting gig, make sure you get your butt in B-School. The next time we run it is February of 2019, so, make sure you get in there.
But apart from that, here’s the deal. Boundaries are gonna be huge for you, because even if you solve this issue with your friend and the consulting gig, boundaries are gonna come up with your photography clients. So this is about personal growth. You can have everything you want my friend, and you can have it in a way that’s really joyful, you can retain that relationship, and I really think that you could probably start dialing down that percentage, from 90% to 70 to 50 to 60 to 40, you’ve just gotta set some clear boundaries for yourself, and communicate them effectively.
Got it. Got it, got it, yep. The communicator is always the worst at communicating her own things to her people.
Yeah, I mean again, all of us, we all need support with this, so you can talk with, do you have friends that you can talk with that are other business owners?
Oh yeah, yep.
Oh, great, so you can practice this conversation, and again, I think this is completely possible for you, but I think it would be a mistake, quite frankly, to let go of the consulting gig 100%, because given who you say you are, and how you feel around finances, having that bit of security coming in, is really gonna support you as you ratchet up your marketing, and the rest of your business.
Yep, and that’s what I’ve been doing for seven years, I’ve got processes in place, I’ve got, you know, great gear. I mean I am very grateful for the consulting business because it allowed me to put all the pieces in place to get my portrait photography business going. Now it just needs to like, start amplifying.
Yeah, but it’s gonna take time and focus, and you have to be the one to create that time. Like you’re not gonna find the time my friend, you have to make the time.
Oh, I know.
Yeah. It’s not gonna magically just fall in your lap, like, “Woo, Jackie here you go, three days a week to just work on your business.” Not gonna happen! What’s your friend’s name who runs the consulting business, what’s her first name?
Her first name is Jamie, and she’s awesome.
Yeah, and you can tell her, “Oh my God girl, I love you, I want to create this plan together, so that it doesn’t disrupt this explosive growth that’s happening for you right now.” My heart tells me she’s amazing, and if you guys sat down, that you could crack a plan that would work for both of you, and you can even ask her for the support, and say, “Hey look, girl, I know there might come some big job down the pike, and you’re gonna be goin’, ‘Oh my gosh, like Jackie can you jump in on this one?’ I’m gonna ask you, first of all, not to ask me for that unless things are really on fire, and literally the whole business is gonna go out of business unless I jump in, and two, hold me accountable to not coming in on these days where I said I’m not gonna come in.” So you can actually enroll her in supporting you in moving into your own business. And based on what you’ve said about her, and the feelings I get, she’s gonna wanna do it.
Yeah, she asks me every once in while, “When are you gonna do your thing, I know, I love you here, I don’t want you to go, but I don’t want you to not do what you wanna do too.”
See that?
So she supports me.
Yeah, you’ve got everything you need. I think you just have to muster up that courage inside, and start taking those steps. And look, like I said it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. So don’t have that analogy in your head that you have to let go of the consulting bar completely. You just have to let go of like, two fingers.
Start small, you’ll get there, keep us posted, and get your butt in B-School, seriously.
Yes ma’am!
All right love, thank you so much for callin’ in, and keep us posted on how it all goes.
Thank you so much.
Bye guys!
Hello, tell us your name and where you’re calling from.
Hi Marie, I am Marines, and I’m calling from Norway.
Yay, Marines, we’re so excited to have you on the show. You’re here with myself and all of team Forleo. Tell us your question, and we will do our very best to help you out.
Thank you so much. So my question is, I moved to Norway last year, because my husband is Norwegian. Before coming here, my life was pretty nice. I was working in something that I really liked and I was engaged in projects that were very interesting, and I never anticipated that it was gonna be so difficult to move to Norway. I have really struggled to find relevant work, and I have been doing my homework, I’ve been studying Norwegian, and I’m really trying to, yeah, to look for work, but it’s been very difficult. So my question is, how do I deal with frustration, because I’m becoming very negative and very sad during this process and I’ve never been like this, so I would love your advice.
Absolutely, and by the way, thank you so much for calling in today, because I know that there are many of us out there that find ourselves in challenging situations, and while the details of the story may not be exactly the same, I think many of us can identify with that place of feeling stuck, of feeling like we’re not showing up like we normally do, and it feels like we don’t know where to go. So, thank you, for being brave. Question for you, where did you live prior to Norway?
Where’s that?
It’s, it’s an island in the Pacific.
Okay, so, big change in terms of climate, in terms of culture, in terms of, even the surroundings, yeah?
Yeah, okay, has that been challenging for you, in terms of climate and the weather and all of those things?
Yeah, yeah, it has, everything has been, yeah.
Everything is different, yeah.
Yep, okay so, few thoughts off the top of my head. One, I think part of the difficulty that you’re navigating right now, is you have so much change layered upon change, right? It’s one thing if it was just moving to a new location, but you have moving to a new location, you have a completely new language that you’re trying to learn, and you have the challenge of trying to find meaningful work, right, all of those things are happening at once?
My love, it is completely understandable that you are finding this so difficult and so frustrating. I would be in your exact same shoes if I were you.
Oh, thank you, yeah.
So please, don’t beat yourself up at all. If there’s any voice in your mind that says, “You should be stronger than this,” or “You should be handling this better.” Please know, that voice isn’t telling you the truth. One question for you, because it’s something that really helps me regain my own sense of perspective and my own sense of strength when things are difficult in my life. Do you have a physical movement practice?
Yeah yeah.
Yeah yeah, good.
I exercise every day.
Oh good, okay good. So that’s checked off. That’s really really good. Next level of questioning. Do you have any community around you? Have you made any friends outside of your husband that you feel really connected with?
Uh maybe, yeah, yeah yeah, I do.
You do, okay.
I do have very good friends, yeah.
Do you feel like you connect with them often enough where there’s enough of that friend juice that happens that can sometimes lift you up over a difficult time?
Yeah, yeah, but it’s like a different type of friendship, you know?
Tell me more.
Like, I think my deepest friendships were from when I was younger.
But they are very nice people, and they’re very supportive as well, so I don’t think I can complain about that.
Okay, great. If it was possible, and you can let me know if this is possible, could you potentially focus on either learning the language for a little bit, and give yourself a break on the job front, or vice versa?
Yeah, I think so, the thing is that I need to learn the language in order to be able to get a job.
‘Cause that’s how the market works.
And I do, I could take a break from looking for work.
But I feel so frustrated just not being useful.
That I just, yeah. I can’t, I feel like I can’t, you know?
How long have you not had work?
Since January.
Since January.
So I’ve been having like a little bit of work until June, and then I began working a little bit in August, but it’s not my work, it’s not what I’ve done before, you know what I mean, it’s not, I identify myself a lot with the work that I do. So, yeah, I feel like I have lost part of me, if that makes sense.
It does, and I can relate to that because, there’s many of us, and I will say this straight up, it’s not the healthiest place to operate from. And again, I say this as a person who has this in me as well, where we identify so much with our work, that when that goes away, we feel like, “Oh my goodness I don’t know who I am anymore.”
Mmhmm, mmhmm, yeah.
That’s not to say that you’re doing anything wrong, it’s just to say that for all of us, our work, it’s not going to last forever. So, one of the things to explore is to see if you can discover––and you’ll have to approach this with a sense of curiosity, and also a lot of self compassion––is, are there ways for you to find delight in being useful that aren’t through traditional work means? Whether it’s around, you know, calling up these dear friends that you’ve made, whether it’s doing stuff in your immediate community, you know whatever it is that you can do, it may not be tied to any type of monetary pay, but the feeling of being needed and being useful, that’s something that you can generate.
Someone doesn’t have to give you a job in order for you to contribute and to feel useful. And the reason that I asked if it was possible for you to lay off the job hunt for now, is because our brains are not designed to process this much newness at once, and I think that’s what’s happening with your frustration. My gut tells me that if you gave yourself the grace and the space to focus on the language learning, and I know it’s difficult, but if that was the thing that you’re like, “I’m gonna immerse myself in this, and make myself useful to me and to this country by learning this language and then being able to get a job,” I think you’re gonna find the process is gonna go faster. If I was trying to learn a new language, acclimate to a new culture, and find a job in that culture, I’d be in a puddle on the floor. But if I gave myself a little bit of space to just say, “Hey, I need to get conversational in this language and really give it my best, if that’s gonna last another three months or six months or whatever it’s gonna take.” My intuition tells me––and whether or not you agree with it or not is completely up to you––but I think you’re gonna find a little bit of the pressure eased, and possibly find a path to more joy.
Yeah, that’s good advice, it could work.
Yeah, another question for you, what do you do for fun?
I really like to cook, and have people over.
I like to…
Hold on, hold on, I have to pause. Cooking, and having people over your place to like share a meal.
I need to let you know, that does fall in the category of, not only usefulness, but you said it falls in the category of joy and pleasure.
Yeah, yeah yeah, it’s, I love that, mmhmm.
So we might need to reframe your mindset a little bit, that your paid work isn’t the only methodology through which you can contribute and be useful. Just for right now, possibly.
What else do you like to do for joy and fun?
I really like to, well I actually really like to learn languages. So that’s something that I enjoy, but this process has been a little bit, I feel a lot of pressure about learning the language fast, so that makes it not so much fun. I like reading, I like exercising, I like hiking, yeah.
Okay, so it sounds like all of the boxes are getting kind of ticked off for you, except around this language one. Can you release some of that pressure by taking off the time limit?
Yeah, maybe. So I think the problem is that I have so much uncertainty around this, around when…
And what does that mean, uncertainty around what?
Around when I’m gonna sort of settle, when it’s gonna be a little bit more stable.
And what does stable mean to you?
Probably have a job.
That’s, yeah.
So much is tied to this, I really wanna encourage you, if you can, and again it sounds like it’s possible for you, from a financial standpoint, at least for the moment.
And it is, this is definitely a mind trip for you as an individual. You have so much tied in to your identity with work, that it’s like, inside you’re scrambling. You’re like, “Ugh if I don’t have a job I’m not useful, if I can’t get, I gotta get this job so fast and…” All of that angst and stress is slowing down your language-learning process. So it’s the very thing that’s keeping you from what you say you want.
Can you feel that?
Thank you Marie, that’s, yeah, yeah yeah I do. That’s very helpful.
Yes, so, if you can, and again this is a little leap of faith for you, because I have a sense that probably in the past you’ve learned other languages perhaps easier, you know, this isn’t going the way you thought it would go, like there’s all of these things that you didn’t really plan on, so it is putting you into uncertainty, which for any of us, throws us off balance. Your methodology is like, “Ugh I wanna work harder and get this done!” But all that frustration and negativity, as you can feel, is not doing you any good.
Yeah, yeah.
So, let off the stress, take off the time, reinvest in the joy of learning this language. Don’t worry about getting a job right now. You will find one, you’re a very hard worker. I promise you, it will come down the line, but it’s gonna be so much more satisfying when this new language of yours starts to live and breathe in your cells in a way that really brings you to life.
Yeah, thank you so much.
You’re so welcome, thank you for sharing, and we’re sending you a huge hug, and so much love.
Thank you so much Marie.
Okay, bye darling.
And your whole team.
I have two little points to that.
I think, that it sounds like she’s taking more withdrawals than deposits from her soul bank, and so, she hasn’t found any joy to deposit into there, right? And part of, like when I lived in Stockholm for a little bit, like everything is new. It tastes new, it smells new, you talk new, you sound new, and I think if she were to maybe share her culture with them, her cooking, her foods, her music that she loves, like the Norwegians would go crazy for it.
And that might give her a little joy in sharing her bit of homesickness that she sounds like she’s feeling, just like continue to deposit into her soul bank, and it may one day just be like, “Woo, okay, I’m feelin’ a little less homesick,” ya know?
Yeah, I think those were great ideas. And I loved that she said how much she enjoys cooking.
And having friends over for meals.
Yes, yeah, and while you’re cookin’ speak your language!
It’s great, I love both of those things.
Hello, this is Mag.
Hi, this is Marie Forleo and you’re on the MarieTV Call-In Show!
Oh my gosh, Marie.
How you doin’, girl?
I’m doing amazing! I cannot believe you’re calling me and you sound exactly like in the videos.
I’m a real human. I’m real, totally!
Would you imagine that!
Well we’re so excited you’re here with myself and Gregory, and all of Team Forleo, tell us your question, and we will do our best to provide some insight and guidance.
Awesome, hi Greg, hi team!
Well hello, lovey.
I love you Greg, you’re so adorable.
Oh, aw, I’m blushing. I just got it.
Oh gosh, okay so here’s my question, so, I created this community, global community of people around the world who travel and work remotely, and I first started with a Facebook group, and initially that was a small group of people from around the world, and then it very quickly grew to this global platform with over 40,000 people from 121 countries in the world. And employers posting remote jobs daily. But, it wasn’t until I shared my personal life story, when, almost overnight we’re featured in Business Insider, and Forbes. And I find that a lot of people are really inspired by my story, and I’m getting more requests to share it. But I worry, because I don’t want the story to become the center stage. Instead I want the full focus of my dream and mission is to be on that community, building that global community of people around the world and empowering them, regardless of their geographic location, for remote work.
Uh huh.
So my question to you is, how do I balance sharing my story in order to attract attention to our community of Pangian, instead of me?
Yeah, so I have a couple of questions for you. One, what is really underneath that fear of your story becoming center stage? What are you concerned or afraid of?
First of all, I personally don’t think that story’s so interesting, so I’m always puzzled why others find it interesting. And second of all, I feel like there is so many more important stories to tell from our community, and the power of very talented people in that community, that I feel like their stories and their mission and what they have to offer is so much more than just the little story of me, and I don’t want that story to overshadow how amazing this community is.
Okay, great, so, couple things, are you able to tell us like just the two or three sentence version of your story? Are you willing to do that?
Yeah sure, I mean it’s already in Business Insider, so.
Yeah, but for our viewers, I don’t want them to click away and go research it. So tell us right now, so that I can help you get to an answer that you’re gonna love.
Sounds good. Okay so, I was born in Poland, at the end of Communism, and I remember since I was five years old, all I wanted is to travel the world and meet people from around the world. And very quickly I was told by everybody around me that I will never be able to do it because Communists, we don’t have passports, nobody can travel. But I remember from that moment I’ve always felt like, like a global citizen. I’ve always felt I will do it. I didn’t know how, I didn’t know when, but I just wanted to do it, and sure enough, soon after, Communism collapsed, and I found a way to come to U.S., learn English, graduated from college, got recruited by this big global aerospace company, started running global projects, managing remote teams, and since then I travel over 50 countries and six continents, and now I wake up every day and just open my laptop, and every morning I chat with somebody from Hong Kong and Paris and London, and that’s my life.
Ahh, I love it!
Sounds like a great life!
Okay so, thank you so much, and here’s the thing. So I’m gonna say a few things to you my friend, because, again, you’re asking for my opinion, and I’m gonna give it to you ’cause that’s what I do. One, your story is so inspiring, and I think what you’re doing is you’ve got kind of this false choice in your mind and in your heart.
It’s like, “Either I tell my story or I center the stories of these other people.” And you’re thinking it’s one or the other. Or like, “I don’t wanna put too much of a shining on myself because it’s gonna take away from the folks that I’m really trying to get their stories out there.” My friend, that is so not the truth. You have to get, first of all, your job, as a business owner, or as the leader of an organization, is to evangelize, your job is to get attention. Now, you want the attention on you, because guess what? Every single time a Business Insider or a Forbes or an Entrepreneur or a Fortune or whomever talks about your story, guess what, they’re gonna say, “She’s the founder of X, who does X.” All of a sudden then, you’re getting all of these eyeballs on your people, so, it is your job to be a storyteller. It is your job to recognize that while you don’t think your story’s that great, everyone in the studio is like, “Oh my goodness!” We all got little goosebumps on our arms, everyone wants that story.
Traveling the world, being a global citizen, coming out of a place that was oppressed and now coming to a new place and making that dream come real, we need more of those stories. And I think the other piece that you’re missing is that your story, I bet you, is super connected to your mission, and to the folks who are within your organization, the stories that you wanna tell for them, right? So now, you work with all these remote workers, and then you get to shine the light on them.
So it’s not either/or. It’s not like there’s just one little spot on the mountain top and if you take all of the oxygen in the room there’s no room for anyone else, that’s bullshit. Your story is important, and as a business owner, you have got to push it as much as possible. Let me ask you this, think about the stories of, you know, we’ll just go to Apple because I’m looking at an Apple computer. We all know about Steve Jobs, the late great Steve Jobs, whatever you think of him.
But we knew about his story, and them starting up that company, it became legend, and then what happens, more people learn about Apple, buy Apple Products become Apple evangelists, that’s how it happens. So your story is one of the most powerful things that you have. You have to extract out of that beautiful, brilliant, empathetic mind of yours, that you could possibly tell your story too much, or that by telling your story you’re taking away from your people, that is completely untrue.
Wow. I guess I needed a wake-up call.
Yeah, I mean what you’re building is so incredible, I believe it’s part of the future of work, you know, Marie Forleo International. While we’re here in the studio today, and I love these times, and I treasure these times, the majority of our company, everyone works remotely, right? There’s over 30 of us.
Nobody, I had the vision for this company to be completely remote and virtual and that’s what we are. So, what you’re doing is incredible. You have got to keep going. I think you need to go the opposite direction. You gotta get more people to tell your story. You gotta leverage all that press that you’ve already received to get even more press. That’s what’s gonna grow opportunity, in terms of jobs and employers coming to your site. That’s what’s gonna grow your mission, that’s what’s gonna help you make the change that you are seeking to make in this world.
Wow, I’m just speechless, and I think you just really pushed me to that moment when I need to realize, I mean what you said, “It’s your job to do that,” it’s not even an option, like that’s my job as the leader of this community.
Yes it is, it’s your mission, it’s your responsibility, it is the opportunity that you have to shift the culture in the way that you want to shift it. And for you to back away from that, you’re not only doing yourself a disservice, you’re doing a disservice to all of the people who have dreams just like you had one day. Again, I have said this so many times, this is my position on it. When you don’t do everything possible to get your product or your service in front of the people who most need it, you are stealing from those who need you most. You are stealing a possibility from them that only you are here to give. It’s why I say at the end of every single show, the world needs that special gift that only you have, and when it comes to marketing, when it comes to sharing, when it comes to expressing yourself, if you don’t do everything possible to get it out in front of the people who you’re meant to serve, you really are stealing from those who need you most.
All right, I got it.
Thank you so much!
Well thank you for inspiring everyone, motivating. Honestly, like I’ve been always inspired and motivated by your videos and I shared it in our community and people love you, but just hearing that from you straight like so direct, like I completely get it, not only get it logically, but for the first time I have this energy of like, this is what I’m gonna do.
Yes, Mama, well you keep us posted, we will be cheerin’ you on, and thank you for doing the work that you do in the world. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much Marie.
Bye darling.
Bye. Bye team.
Well friends, I think we done did that, that was awesome. Thank you so much for watching. Greg did you have a good time?
I had a great time.
Woo! All right, so, now here’s my question for you. Did you have a favorite question or part of a question or insight that you’re taking away from today’s call-in show? If so, leave a comment below and let us know.
As always, the best conversations happen over at the magical land of marieforleo.com, so that’s where I want you to go and leave a comment now. While you’re there, if you’re not already, please subscribe, and become an MF Insider. I promise, my emails, they’re like the best in the nation. They’re amazing!
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I’ma open it up.
Open it up!
Open your butt. Thanks.
That sounds like a treat.
That was intense.
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Anybody got a question, anybody?
Of course, of course. I gots plenty answers, plenty answers.
Flowers, what do you got for me today?
Can you relate to Jackie, Marinés or Mag?
Did you have a favorite question or insight that you’re taking away from today’s Call-In show?
Leave a comment below and let us know.
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Don’t settle for mediocrity. Don’t allow yourself to stay in a headspace of “I don’t know what to do” or “I don’t know what I want” or “I can’t see a way forward.”
I promise you have what it takes. Everything really is figureoutable.