Hi! I'm Marie
You have gifts to share with the world and my job is to help you get them out there.
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Button TextA few months ago, we got a question in from a MarieTV fan that went like this…
“How do you put out such great content all the time without fail? What do you do when you feel like the creative well is running dry?”
After 3+ years of producing MarieTV, over a decade of publishing a newsletter, and 5+ years teaching dance and fitness, I know a little something about steady creation.
Coming up with ideas is something every creator must master — whether you’re an artist, writer, musician, chef, stylist, etc. It’s the nature of the beast.
In the video below you’ll learn three tricks I use to keep creating content for this show. It’ll show you the secret behind your favorite songs, tv shows, and magazines, and give you the inspiration you need to keep coming up with new ideas on a consistent basis.
**Mature Language Alert**
Today’s episode has just a tiny sprinkle of mature language, so grab headphones if you have kids or other sensitive ears around.
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Oh my god, I can go even faster.
Oh, god. I think I’m going to be sick.
Hey, it’s Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be if you want to create a business and life you love and I think that you do. This here shindig is called Q&A Tuesday, and this question comes from Ms. Chelsea and she writes, “Hey Marie, thank you so much for all that you give to us constantly. I watch every Tuesday,” thank you, “And one question I have is how do you always come up with all this great content? Do you ever have days when you just feel uninspired or like you don’t have anything new to say? And if so, how do you still give us constantly great episodes of MarieTV? I send my people a weekly newsletter too, but I’m afraid of uninspiring days or future days where I won’t have much to say or will have covered all the topics that I can think of. Do you have any tips for how you keep your well from running dry? Love, Chelsea.”
Chelsea, I was so excited to see this question for a lot of reasons. First of all, I think everybody can relate to this. I certainly can. I think anyone who creates anything fears the well running dry. We’ve all had that, “Oh crap,” moment. “I’m totally done, I have nothing else to say, everything’s been done already, and everything I create from this moment forward, of course, is going to be crap.” Now, if you’ve ever felt this way, whether you’re an artist or another type of creative, or you’re a business owner like me who has to create content week after week, this is the episode for you. So, I’m going to answer this question in the framework of what I do, which is creating content for this show, my weekly newsletter, my blog, you know, all that online jazz. (singing)
Oh, sorry. That’s what happens every time I say, “Jazz.” Now, the first thing I want to say is I am not some creative super hero despite these tights. Notice I haven’t taught you anything yet that’s because tip number one, or shall we say, tip number dumb, is do dumb shit. I mean, I just did like five dumb things and as far as I’m concerned, the dumber the better. Giving yourself permission to be dumb is actually a really smart way to activate your creativity. I say, find a dumb buddy and get stupid together. Here’s my dumb buddy. She’s the dumbest bitch I know. In fact, she made me say that and she’s making me sing this song right now. (singing)
[inaudible 00:03:12] Dumb Buddy not for sale in stores. Get your own damn Dumb Buddy.
How dumb was that? Now, I’m not necessarily saying you should be silly in your content if that’s not true to your brand, but being silly while you’re creating? Now, that can really open up some new ideas.
Tip number two, the magazine rule. Retreading old ground is not a sin. Now, when it comes to content creation, you got to remember, A, not everybody saw that blog post you did back in 2011. B, if they did, they probably don’t remember it as well as you do. And C, people like to revisit the same topics again and again. Now, I’ve been doing MarieTV for years now, and on Q&A Tuesdays, we revisit the same themes all the time. You’ll also see this in the magazine world.
Now, I’ve been a subscriber to O Magazine for years and I love it. But check this out, declutter your life appears on three covers. I don’t get mad at O Magazine because I’m happy to read that again. I always need to declutter something in my life. And you know what? You see repetition in every facet of the art world. I mean, Georgia O’Keefe painted those vajayjay flowers over and over, and sitcoms use the same basic storylines, and Taylor Swift is always singing about breakups, and rappers are always rapping about the party and then the after party and then the party after the after party and then the hotel lobby.
Tip number three, and this is my biggest tip of all, it’s a mantra I use for a bunch of things like money and love and ideas, and yes, it’s today’s tweetable. When it comes to creativity, there’s always more where that came from. Now, if you’re more spiritual, let me remind you of one of my favorite quotes from my friend Maryanne Williamson, “God’s the water and you are the faucet.” This is awesome, so you don’t get it twisted and think that all of your brilliant ideas are coming from you. It requires a little bit of creative surrender and to get your ego out of the way so a higher power can come down and work through you.
So, before we wrap up, I just want to tell you, I so relate to this question. There are so many times when I feel like I have nothing else to say here on MarieTV. So, to help you and to help all of us, I’m going to do something a little different today, and I want to continue the teaching part of this episode in written form right below this video. Thank you so much for that question, Chelsea. Hope it helps. Now, I would love to hear from you. When you’re feeling creatively tapped out, tell me three go to strategies that always work for you. Now, if you want to share more than three, that is awesome. But please make them as specific as possible.
As always, the best discussions happen after the episode over at the wonderful land of marieforleo.com. So, go there and leave a comment now. Did you dig this video? If so, subscribe to my channel and share it with your friends. And if you want even more awesome resources to create a business and life that you love, plus some personal insights from little old me that I only talk about in email, get yourself over to marieforleo.com and please signup for email updates.
Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world needs that special gift that only you have. Thank you so much for watching and I’ll catch you next time on MarieTV.
Ah, yes. Yes, my little Dumb Buddy. Soon, this will all be ours. Take a look, it’s yours and mine. You’re so beautiful, so dumb. Marie played right into our hands didn’t she? Right into our pretty little hands.
If you want to learn how to bring more creativity and personality to your writing, be sure to check out TheCopyCure.com. My Dumb Buddy and I are happy to help.
Five More Strategies To Keep You Creatively Inspired
As promised in the show, here are five more ways to keep your creative genius on tap.
1. Listen.
Pay attention to the questions people ask you in person, via email or over social media as they reveal the exact struggle and frustration points your audience wants to solve.
Don’t underestimate the power of curiosity. The more you focus on what people are saying to you, the more you’ll want to know. Plus what works for one person, might not work for another. By listening, you’ll be able to come up with the right ideas for the right people.
2. Move.
Ever felt like you got your best ideas when you’re hiking or taking a shower? There’s real, scientific research to back that up — this research from Stanford proves how powerful movement is for creativity.
I’ve danced and moved my whole life and I’m certain that physical movement keeps me inspired. So next time you hit a creative wall, it’s best to walk (or dance 🙂 ) it out.
3. Keep a List.
Collect ongoing ideas in one place. Whether you use Google Docs, Evernote, a paper notebook or another method, choose one and you’ll always have kindling to spark your creative flame.
I do this for my content ideas, and I know this is common practice for lots of writers, musicians, and other artists.
4. Commit.
This is the most underrated creativity tip of all. When you Turn Pro and fully commit to producing/writing/creating/making something on deadline, it just happens.
If you need an accountability partner — get one! Whatever it takes to get those wheels churning.
5. Read this.
One of my favorite, classic books on the subject is The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp. Between this and my other favorite, The War of Art, you’ll be unstoppable.
When you’re starting out, it’s hard to imagine that you can keep coming up with one killer idea after another. But like anything you do, creativity gets easier and easier the more you do it. It’s like a muscle that gets stronger over time — you just have to trust the process.
Unlock Thousands of Creative Ideas With These MarieTV Resources
Coming up with ideas and following through on them is one of my favorite topics. These interviews and resources below will give you an additional kick of inspiration:
- The Ultimate Guide to Creating Fresh Content Ideas (100+ Prompts Included!)
- How to Live Your Most Creative Life with Elizabeth Gilbert
- Why Art Matters with Sarah Jones
- How to Overcome Creative Resistance and Why Talent Doesn’t Matter with Steven Pressfield
- How To Grow Your Business & Find Time For The Creative Work, Too
- What To Do If You’re Feeling Unoriginal
- 7 Writing Blocks That Keep You Stuck & How To Blast Past Them
As always, I’d love to hear from you.
What three go-to-strategies do you use when you feel creatively tapped out? If you have more than three to share, fantastic.
Make them as tactical and specific as possible as tens of thousands of beautiful souls from across the globe visit us each week for inspiration.
Please add your best tips and ideas directly in the comments vs. adding a URL or link back to your site. The latter can trigger our spam filters.
Thank you, as always, for reading, watching and sharing. You make my week!
With all my love,