Hi! I'm Marie
You have gifts to share with the world and my job is to help you get them out there.
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Before we dive into today’s video, a quick heads up on some upcoming shizzel.
RHH Live 2011 will be held October 21 – 23rd, 2011 in NYC at Donna Karan’s Urban Zen Center.
We’ll open up registration in the next few weeks.
Now, onto today’s vid.
If you ever feel like you’re working your ass off and still not making any dough, this video could really help.
Watch as I get all up in this girl’s business grill and help her stop spinning her wheels and start making some cheddar from her online business.
It’s a must see, if I do say so myself!
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Hey, it's Marie with another Q & A Tuesday! Q: Alright, today’s question comes from Jen and Jen writes: “Hey, there! I adore you, your work, your personality, and your potty mouth.” I don't know what the *bleep* she’s talking about. “I adored you more when you tweeted me back. I believe a glass of wine was in hand and Laura Belgray entered the convo and then I nearly fell off my chair because you've been inspiring me for months now. I feel like I know you because you're all fabulous and friendly.”
“To the point, here’s my question; being that I'm not making money yet and I'm doing everything under the sun myself including learning social media, creating a website, etc. When and how do you stop being obsessive about Twitter, Facebook, and your blog and start spending more time being productive so a girl can make some money? Perhaps time management and setting realistic goals but I don’t quite know what goals to set yet.”
Jen, Jen, Jen, we are going to school you, honey right now! A: Alright Jen, so here we are on your website. I figured it is a lot more useful for me to give you specific feedback on your business and why it's not making money if we take a look at your main marketing vehicle which is your website. So first thing that I noticed when I popped on here. First, before I give you any feedback, actually I want to tell you that you've done an incredible job getting all of this up yourself.
It's apparent as soon as you land on your site, these beautiful pictures. You have so much positive energy and a clear passion. Beautiful photographs for what you do and that's all commendable but I want to give feedback right now that's going to help you put money in the bank. So first thing that's up is your header, A Girl And Her Carrot.
You got about two seconds when someone lands on your website for them to decide whether or not you're the person for them. Whether or not they want to spend money with you. This header while it's adorable and I love it is not descriptive enough. I don't know what you do. I don't know you. I don' know your name. I don't know who you are. I don't know what kind of site this is. So I think you can get a lot more descriptive on that end. Second thing that I noticed when I look up here in the address bar, it says agirlandhercarrot.wordpress.com. This is a super common mistake.
So there's WordPress.com and there's WordPress.org. WordPress.com is when you host your blog on WordPressís servers. WordPress.org is when you actually download an installation of WordPress onto your own servers. It's free and it's a lot more professional. You’ll be able to get rid of this little piece here that says WordPress.com. So when you transfer it over and you might need someone technical to help you with this. It’ll just be agirlandhercarrot.com. I highly recommend that you make that transfer.
So much more profesh and again, WordPress.org is free. You can do some Googling on that topic if you want to learn more. The third thing and actually the most important thing that I noticed you know, I'm clicking around on your pages. I went over to Health Nuggets and I saw okay, all these great links.
Then I went over to Stalking, clearly things you're really passionate about other people’s websites. By the way, I love that you have links out to other people’s sites but here’s the thing. I spent a lot of time in your site and I have no idea what you're selling. I don't know what your products or your services are. There's no clear offer. As a potential customer, I've no idea how to hire you but I know on your contact page which I would expected to just have contact information. It says, ìHire Me. Think we can work together? Feel free to reach out! Consulting, Recipe Writing, Food Writing, Nutritional services. All of that is a bit ambiguous.
There's no clear solution to a problem and quite frankly, many people that may need a dietician or may need your nutritional services may feel a little shy about just contacting you and saying, ìCan you help me?î If you created some kind of program or had a very clear protocol of what you offer to help people to achieve a specific result. I think you'd be making more money and you'd be taking better care of your clients.
The last thing I want to talk about is that it's clear that you're passionate about your work, and I absolutely love that. And you've been doing great entries for your blog but a blog on its own is not a business model. A blog is a vehicle for you to communicate with your audience, to build that audience, and to use it as a beautiful tool to create revenue for your business. So right now while I think you have a fantastic start, it feels a little bit more like a hobby than a true business.
So if you take some of these tips, really take them to heart and start looking through the lens of how can I treat this business like a real bona fide business? Have Uber clear products and services, make it Uber, Uber clear what value I'm providing to the world and what people will actually pay me for. And then, one final tip, just to take a look at some of your fonts. You've got a lot of different fonts, a lot of different colors.
I think I was over on the About Me page and I saw hot pink and grey and black, and all caps which sometimes feel like you know, you're screaming at people. We definitely want kind of hone that in and refine it, and make it a little bit more consistent. Yeah, that's what I got for ya on that! And, I will do a little bit of a blatant plug here. Let me see if I can go to this site.
So, I created a program with my good friend Laura Roeder called Rich, Happy & Hot B-School 2.0. It's right here up on the screen. We actually did it last year, it was a huge success. We have I think close to 230 women from all over the world go through this program. It's incredible! It teaches women who are writers, bloggers, coaches, consultants, anyone who really has expertise in the world and they want to bring it online and actually monetize it. We teach you how to do that, A to Z! We're going to be opening that program in May and as we promote that program, we give away amazing free business training.
So I highly recommend you come check out RHHB School. Get on the hotlist as soon as we release those free training videos. You will get them in your inbox. If you like the program, you can signup but if you don't want to do the program, that's totally cool. You’ll get free business training anyway. So I hope this was helpful for you and I certainly had fun looking at your website!
Ooh, wasnít that juicy? We got into your business. Jen, we got into your business I hope you liked it. It was very intimate and fun. Anyway, that's what we've got for this Q & A Tuesday. Please like it if you like it! Leave a comment below, I would love to hear your thoughts! And if you're not yet subscribed to the Marie Forleo newsletter, come on over. Subscribe because I’ll send you all kinds of good stuff including new videos every time we release one. So thank you so much and I will see you next time!
Leave a comment below and let me know the biggest, most actionable idea you gleaned and how you’ll implement it into your business, now. Bonus points if you can show me some before + after proof of your implementation in the comments.
Last but not least, cosmic drum roll please…
12 days ago, we opened the floodgates for scholarship applications for Selling Your Soul — the one-day business building immersion on May 12th with me + Miss Danielle LaPorte.
We are so freakin’ impressed with entries. 257 of ‘em to be precise. From naturopathic midwives to SEO strategists, career advisers to performance artists, senior relocation specialists to hula hooping megastars, the submissions were diverse, creative and heartfelt.
It sure as hell wasn’t easy, but we’ve chosen.
1. Mia DeBolt, SEO Queen.
2. Jessica Kohler, Elderly Mover.
3. Shenee Howard, Story Teller with Style.
4. Christabel Zamor, Hoola Hoopin’ Mogul.
5. Jen H, Environmental Alaskan Smarty.
6. Akilah Richards, Hot Coach.
7. Amber McCue, Boudoir Photographer.
8. Linda Rihani, Founder BabyToBe.
9. Mikki Baloy David, Shamanic Healer.
10. Margaret Romero, Gluten-Free Goddess.
HUGE thanks to every participant. You’re all amazing and we are so grateful to be connected to your entrepreneurial dreams. Thank you so much for your heart, social media love and soul.
Scholarship winners: we’ll be emailing you within the next 24 hours, with virtual high fives + event details, so you can plan your trip to NYC.