Carla Holden
Courage & Confidence Coach
Before B-School I had absolutely zero idea or knowledge about what an online business was… but I knew I wanted one. My entire first year I sat on the sidelines and watched other people like a hawk. I followed the modules. I picked a business model. I made a website… and then proceeded to tell absolutely no one about it. If there was a poster child for fear, I was it.
I went through B School again this year and I have literally grown into a whole new person. I’ve gotten sober, been featured on a podcast, blogged for Huffington Post, held seven workshops (as in me SPEAKING in front of a room full of people). I cried at my first workshop (nerves). It was vulnerable and real and every single person in that room has ended up a client.
I’ve dealt with real-world pricing struggles and going from working for free to charging $75 an hour to creating packages at the $500 mark and a new one at the $2,000 mark which 6 months ago would’ve seemed bananas to me! I’ve also rebranded 3 times!
I literally play a module from B-School every day when I go for my walk. Marie’s information is seeping into my bones through osmosis. And it has changed who I am at a cellular level. I really am growing into a new version of me. Even writing this now I’m getting emotional because I see how far I’ve come.
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Courage & Confidence Coach