Hi! I'm Marie
You have gifts to share with the world and my job is to help you get them out there.
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Button TextNews cycle got you down? Feeling lethargic, unmotivated — or just not like yourself these days?
That’s understandable. First, the emotional toll of this global coronavirus pandemic is real. Second, because mainstream news always presents more negative stories than positive ones.
Why? Because negative headlines are irresistible to our brains. Really — like a moth to a flame, we can’t help but click, or keep watching.
But there's good news. Literally. Good news expert Tank Sinatra is here on MarieTV and The Marie Forleo Podcast to talk about the life-changing media habits that can help you stay positive, motivated, and informed.
Tank shares daily good news with millions of people through his Tank’s Good News website and social media accounts. Due to this global crisis, his work is more popular than ever.
If you want to learn how to take care of your emotional and mental wellbeing during this extraordinary time (and beyond), don't miss this episode.

Click to download the episode now from wherever you love to listen, or hit play below. After you listen, join me in the comments for an important insight into action challenge.
*Psst... we’re introducing some fun new things on the podcast. If you haven't subscribed, DO IT. It's perfect for any time you clean, exercise, or sit down to work on that quarantine puzzle. ;)
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In this episode of MarieTV, we do have some adult language. So if you do have little ones around, grab your headphones now.
Marie Forleo: What’s up, party people? I’m Marie Forleo and for over 20 years I have been obsessed with learning what it takes to turn dreams into reality. You know, I started my company back in the day with no clue, no connections, no money, and over time grew it into something spectacular. I created the award winning show MarieTV, was named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation, and wrote the instant number one New York Times bestseller Everything Is Figureoutable. I’ve helped millions of people transform their businesses and lives, and guess what? Every week I’m going to help you take action and make the difference you were born to make, but please do not expect anything about this podcast to be traditional. We’ve got songs, weird sound effects, the occasion F bombs, maybe some fart jokes, if you’re lucky, and anything else that makes me laugh. It’s all fair game, because this is The Marie Forleo Podcast.
Marie Forleo: If you’re finding it hard to feel inspired, or creative, or energized right now, guess what? You are not alone. The emotional toll of this pandemic, man is it real, but there are steps you can take to start feeling better. So, in this episode we’re going to talk about why it is vital to opt-out of non-stop negative news and what to focus on instead. My case today is backed up by a unique combination of brain science, Milli Vanilli, and good old common sense. You’re also going to hear from a special guest who’s an expert on the power of good news, Mr. Tank Sinatra. But first a word from today’s sponsor.
Marie Forleo: I’m Marie Forleo and I quit writing boring copy after I discovered nobody wants to read that shit. If you have problems writing in a way that’s true to your voice and helps convert browsers into buyers, The Copy Cure may be right for you. Check with your health professional and after she says she doesn’t care about your writing skills, sign up for our free seven-day writing class at the copycure.com. That’s the copycure.com.
Marie Forleo: All right, here we go, people. First of all, thank you so much. We are loving the voicemails that y’all have been sending. If you have no idea what the hell I’m talking about just Google “leave Marie Forleo a voicemail” and you will get the entire scoop. So, when we were listening to your voicemails this week we noticed a recurring theme. There’s a lot of people not feeling like themselves these days, which makes a whole lot of sense given the fact we are in the midst of a global pandemic. Right? Folks are feeling lethargic and unfocused, and finding it harder and harder to just get things done. So, let’s dive straight into today’s Hey Marie segment and talk about some steps we can all take to start feeling better now.
Susmitha: Hey Marie, this is Susmitha from Bangalore, India and I love your podcast, and your book, and basically everything about you. You are so freaking awesome and inspiring. Especially your energy. My question for you is, during these times of uncertainty it’s hard to feel very creative or inspired or productive. So, even though technically we have more time on our hands, it’s not very easy to do stuff. Usually we get into the sense of blah. You know? So, can you give me tips on how to get over that?
Marie Forleo: Susmitha, great question. You are not alone, my love, but more importantly these feelings you’re having are not your fault. In fact, outside of this global crisis there’s another more insidious reason you might be feeling especially blah and low energy these days. And surprisingly Milli Vanilli has our answer.
Marie Forleo: Seriously, though, right now most of us are consuming a lot more news than usual. I mean, we’re checking the headlines when we wake up, maybe we’re getting news alerts all day long, and then, let’s be honest, we’re probably watching even more news at night. Make no mistake, there is a direct connection between what you’re watching, reading, and listening to all damn day, and how you feel. Your energy levels, your mood, your ambition.
Marie Forleo: Now, to understand how this all fits together, let’s look at the nature of both the news media and some simple neuroscience. For example, did you know that there’s a long standing adage in the news industry that goes like this, “If it bleeds, it leads.”
Marie Forleo: I know it’s a horrible statement, but it’s true. Now, what does it mean? It means that many newspapers, TV and cable networks use fear and pain to hook our attention and keep us coming back for more. So, that jolt of adrenaline and the negativity, as weird and strange as this is going to sound, it can actually be addictive to our brains. Why is that? Because of something called negativity bias.
Marie Forleo: So, negativity bias is something I’ve talked about many times before. It is the human tendency to pay more attention and give more weight to negative experiences over positive or neutral ones. This is not just some fancy pants psychological concept. This is real, people. Our brains are literally wired to notice more of the bad stuff and pretty much ignore the good stuff. It’s evolutionary.
Marie Forleo: We did, actually a whole MarieTV episode on this if you just Google “Marie Forleo negativity bias,” you will find it. So watching the news isn’t just addictive, though, it’s also terrible for your health. Non-stop negativity weakens your immune system. Right? Increases anxiety, and guess what? Ding, ding, ding. It reduces your ambition. So, what’s the fix? What do we do about it? Two simple steps.
Marie Forleo: Step number one. Reduce your traditional news consumption. And I’m talking no more than one serving per a day. So, here’s how this looks in my life. Right now, I’m going to be honest, I am obsessed with watching New York governor Andrew Cuomo and his daily briefings. I love this guy.
Marie Forleo: Every single night I literally get out my popcorn, I sit my ass down on the couch and I watch his updates on YouTube. Why do I do that? Well, he delivers the facts with precision and empathy. He puts the data first, and then he tells us his opinion last. And he always separates fact from his opinion. He’s got a whole new PowerPoint slide on it. I love it.
Marie Forleo: He also says cool things like this. Like, “Before you open your mouth why don’t you go look in the mirror.” I love him. Anyway. Every single time I watch, no matter how bad, or terrible, or painful the facts are, I actually leave feeling informed, and energized, and hopeful. It’s so weird. It’s like taking a Xanax in the middle of this pandemic, but then getting really inspired and wanting to change the world. It’s awesome.
Marie Forleo: I think it’s a reflection of his leadership and his communication style, and honestly I appreciate both. Now, look, before anybody wants to come for me on this podcast thinking that I’m suggesting that you ignore the news, or look past the suffering of others, or pretend this all isn’t happening, I need you to calm down.
Marie Forleo: I am not suggesting that any of us turn a blind eye to anything negative, nor am I suggesting that we close our hearts and not be aware of the suffering of others. Do you know me? Have you paid attention to my work for any amount of time?
Marie Forleo: If not, you need to get yourself educated, because look, there is a distinction here. There is nuance. There is a limit to how much negative news any human being should be taking in each and every day. So, yes, you got to be aware of the facts, yes, you got to know what’s happening so you can help, but no, you should not be watching non-stop negative news all day long and then feeling like crap.
Marie Forleo: I believe we have to take our pain and our hurt, and turn it into hope. And in order to do that you have to have the energy to take productive action. So, back to you, Susmitha.
Marie Forleo: I want you to find a local news source that actually gives you the facts, and leaves you feeling strong. Limit your intake of the facts to maybe, I don’t know, five to 10 minutes max and then just be done for the day. And once you do that, we are going to move onto step number two.
Marie Forleo: Increase your good news consumption and use what I call the five-to-one rule. My author friend Rick Hanson taught me this one. Our brains are like Velcro for negative experiences, but Teflon for positive ones. Again, that is negativity bias at work.
Marie Forleo: So, some studies have shown that in relationships it actually takes five positive interactions to make up for a single negative one. And I think we should apply this five-to-one rule to our consumption of negative news. Don’t you think? I think.
Marie Forleo: So, here’s how it’s going to work. From this moment forward each time you choose to consume one bit of traditional news, seek out five pieces of good news to counterbalance it. That’s right. So, for every little bit of negativity you allow into that beautiful mind of yours go find five positive, or inspiring, or funny, or hopeful things that are happening.
Marie Forleo: And here’s an example to get you started. So, there’s this woman, right? Who lives alone and is completely isolated during this pandemic. She’s got no spouse, no kids, no pets, no one to be in quarantine with.
Marie Forleo: So, instead of feeling sorry for herself, or letting fear or negativity take over, guess what? She decided to use what she had in her kitchen to make a difference to others.
Marie Forleo: So, she cooked up this big old tray of eggplant parm and she posted an update on Nextdoor, which is this app here in the states that helps neighbors stay connected to each other. And she said, “Look, I just made a big tray of eggplant parm, if you’re hungry, if you don’t have food right now come by my front porch and get it.”
Marie Forleo: And so, she left these individually wrapped portions on her front porch so people could just safely come and get something to eat. And it was such a hit that she’s been making meals for her community every few days.
Marie Forleo: So, check it out. Right? Instead of watching non-stop negative news all day long, or feeling bad, or sorry for herself, she decided to do something productive instead. She’s not only serving up eggplant parm, people, she is serving up some good news too.
Marie Forleo: I mean, don’t you feel inspired by this? I don’t even feel inspired, I actually feel hungry. Anyway. If you’re still not convinced on the power of looking for good news, then I think you need to meet my next guest Mr. Tank Sinatra.
Marie Forleo: He’s the founder of the popular website and Instagram account @tanksgoodnews. So, Tank, thanks so much for joining me on The Marie Forleo Podcast. Today we are talking about the power of good news, and I was like who better to have on the show to talk about this with me than you?
Tank Sinatra: The guy.
Marie Forleo: Yeah. Exactly. The guy. Can you tell us why, and how you started your sites?
Tank Sinatra: So, I’m 39 years old. I’ve been on this planet that long and from as early as I can remember I didn’t understand why the news, all they wanted to talk about, I remember being a kid and being like, “The world seems like a scary place.”
Tank Sinatra: Growing up in New York there was always kidnappings, and robberies, and murders, and what I quickly learned is that none of that stuff was happening around me, and if I didn’t get it from an external source I didn’t have to feel bad about everything going on bad in the world.
Tank Sinatra: Because, if you talked about neuroscience you know that the brain really doesn’t know the difference between what it’s imagining and what is real. So, if you’re watching the news, and your mouth is dry and your heart is pounding, and you’re angry and then somebody says something and you’re snapping at them, now there’s misplaced anger going on, just because you had to watch this thing that you’re addicted to.
Tank Sinatra: I don’t blame the media or us. I think it’s just one of those things where somebody who wanted to make a lot of money figured out this weakness that humans have, and it’s a weakness for negativity.
Marie Forleo: Yeah. Negativity bias. That’s what we just talked about. The brain is hardwired to give more attention to the negative than the positive. It’s evolutionary. It’s just part of how we’re built.
Tank Sinatra: Yeah. We want to survive.
Marie Forleo: Yeah.
Tank Sinatra: So, if there’s a snake on this pathway you got to remember not to go down that pathway. So, I guess I didn’t figure it out, I just kind of experimented and I had seen some really beautiful stories go viral over the years.
Tank Sinatra: I’ve been on the internet a long time, and I don’t know, I just said, “What the media is doing is they’re creating a visceral reaction in people. That reaction happens to be negative. What if I could create a visceral reaction that’s positive where, instead of your mouth getting dry or you getting angry, you’re crying tears of joy or you’re getting a little heart flutter, or you’re feeling for the first time in however long that the world is not a scary place, and it’s not out to get you.” So, I just try and pollute my brain with positivity as much as possible.
Marie Forleo: I love that. I love that.
Tank Sinatra: Yeah.
Marie Forleo: I’m actually just curious about this, personally. How do you find the good news? Where does it come from? Do you have other people that search for it? Is this all you? Do people submit things? How does it come about?
Tank Sinatra: No. So, the thing is, it’s really not that hard to find. That’s the trick. You would think that… I remember when I started the page, Hurricane Harvey was going on and the local news is… I was posting only huge stories. J. J. Watt raising 20 million, the Cajun Navy driving hundreds of miles to rescue people.
Tank Sinatra: And I remember I happened to have the news on one day in the house and I saw a video or a story of a little four-year-old boy who had fallen off a deck in the Bronx and died. Right?
Tank Sinatra: It wasn’t Eric Clapton’s son falling out of a window, it wasn’t some powerful person’s kid, it wasn’t extenuating circumstances, it was just some family who lost their child, and that made the news.
Tank Sinatra: And what occurred to me was that it doesn’t always need to be big news, it could be little news and if I attack it with that attitude I’m never going to run out of good news. Ever.
Tank Sinatra: And it’s just, it’s so easy to find. I mean, at this point… There was one point very early on in the development of the page, maybe like two weeks in where I realized, I almost felt like my work was done with the page, because not only was the page growing, but people were then starting to send me stories and I was like, “That means they’re turning around from the Instagram page, going out into the world and finding their own good news.”
Marie Forleo: Yes.
Tank Sinatra: The ripple effect has begun. So, people send it. I like finding my own. I have a bunch of different sources that I go to. Every big media outlet has a good news page or section, or human interest, it’s just buried behind the shootings, and the fires, and the coronavirus and all that.
Marie Forleo: I’ll tell you, I live for NBC Nightly News. At the end there’s Inspiring America, there’s all the segments at the end that are the human interest stories, and it’s like, I live for them. And they’re amazing. They are so amazing. So, I just want to appreciate on you and thank you for what you do in pulling them all together for us.
Marie Forleo: I don’t know if you want to talk into this or not, and if it’s not interesting that’s cool. I was wondering if you could talk about the difference between toxic positivity and genuine, helpful positivity? This notion of toxic positivity is around that… It’s almost this subtle nuance. Right? Where people are like, “Never give up.”
Tank Sinatra: Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Marie Fomarierleo: And it’s just going down this one side where it almost feels like there’s a lack of empathy or compassion for a whole range of positivity that could also include the fact, “You know what? Sometimes you do have to cut your losses and that’s not necessarily negative.”
Marie Forleo: Or, “You know what? Things are hard, and it’s okay to take a rest, and then you get back up.” It’s a bit more of a, I would say, holistic version of positivity that most of us can relate to, versus a toxic version, which would make people feel like, “Oh my gosh, if I take a nap I’m just losing at life.”
Tank Sinatra: So, the reason that I was confused when you brought that up, is because I remember coming across that and landing on the fact that, that’s just not positivity to me. That’s not even… That’s not toxic positivity.
Tank Sinatra: There’s a couple of people out there on the internet who… I always want to be careful for a few things. One, I try to make sure that my page, the things that I post, the stories that I pick, the captions that I write are never too sappy or preachy, because I never want it to come across like I don’t know what’s going on in the world. Or I’m somehow unaware of the fact that bad things are going on.
Tank Sinatra: I don’t have my head buried in the sand. I’m not Pollyanna. I just happen to look at the good news 80%, bad news 20%. And the news is just bad news.
Marie Forleo: Right. Right, right, right.
Tank Sinatra: It’s not 95/5, it’s not 100/0, it’s not 50/50. Because like you said, the five-to-one. You got to offset that somehow.
Marie Forleo: Totally. I was doing research too and there’s this old adage, right? I’ve been running my business now for 20 years and I’m just fascinated. I’m fascinated with advertising, I’m fascinated with media, fascinated with commercials, and there’s this old adage, “If it bleeds, it leads.” Right?
Tank Sinatra: Yeah.
Marie Forleo: And that’s been around forever. It’s been around forever, just speaks into what you’re talking about. So, what do you think that we as individuals can do? And we talked about this a little bit already.
Marie Forleo: Someone listening to this right now. Getting on board going, “Yes. I want to get this five-to-one ratio down. I want to start looking for it in my life.” And let’s say they’re in India.
Marie Forleo: Actually, today’s question was from one of our viewers in Bangalore India, earlier on in this podcast. Anything that you would say to them to do, to start cultivating this in their own communities, in their own countries, in their own world, wherever they are?
Tank Sinatra: Yeah. I mean, it starts internally. It starts with one. It’s one of those things where if you try and bite off more than you can chew, you wind up getting frustrated and saying, “Oh, this is fake. This is not real. I can’t actually do this.”
Marie Forleo: Yeah.
Tank Sinatra: I’m trying to think of the best way to put it. I read a page of probably 10 different books a day. Maybe two pages.
Marie Forleo: Me too.
Tank Sinatra: Yeah. I mean, I was talking to a friend of mine, so I’m in recovery and there’s a book that people read in regards to recovery, and the first thing that I wanted to say was just that in that book they talk about constant vigilance.
Tank Sinatra: If you’re not ready to do the hard work, then you’re probably not going to get what you’re looking for, but I would rather put a little work in and be… I’d rather force myself to be happy, then be naturally sad.
Tank Sinatra: There is effort to be put into this if you want what’s happening, or if you want the results. But just constant vigilance and constantly making sure that if you find yourself indulging in something that’s making you feel bad, like my son, perfect example.
Tank Sinatra: My son is terrified of these things that he finds on the internet, and he wants to prove how tough he is, he’s seven years old. He’s showing me on the phone, he goes, “Look. This isn’t even scary. This isn’t even scary,” and then 20 minutes later he’s screaming, because he went into his room alone and it was dark. It was literally 1:30 in the afternoon. There was no darkness to be found anywhere.
Tank Sinatra: But I said, “G.J., this is what I’m telling you about this stuff. You think you can get past it, and what happens is just like…” Because what happens is, he searches for scary stuff on Google and then Google’s algorithm feeds that into his Roblox so these things show up in the games. He doesn’t realize that yet.
Tank Sinatra: I said, “Your brain works just like that. So, if you plant things in your brain, it might not scare you right now, but 20 minutes, two hours, two days from now you’re going to have a thing, it’s going to pop up, your brain is going to call that back and it’s going to make it appear real. And it’s not real. You got to be careful about what you allow into your own algorithm. Your own brain.”
Marie Forleo: Oh. I adore you. There’s a part… So, I wrote this book. I have to say this, because it’s so aligned with what you’re saying. So, I wrote this book called Everything Is Figureoutable. Right?
Marie Forleo: And there’s this chapter in it where we talk about the RAS. The part of the brain, your reticular activating system, where it’s basically your filtering system. Right? Because your brain cannot take in all the data, it cannot take in all of the input that’s constantly coming in. It has to choose what’s important.
Marie Forleo: And when you look for something you’re all of a sudden going to find it. What we seek, we find. And so, just like you’re talking about with your son, just like this right now, this whole conversation. When you start looking for good news and that becomes an intentional focus you actually start finding it all over the place, and it’s kind of amazing.
Marie Forleo: I heard something about you. Were you a fencer? Did you use to do fencing?
Tank Sinatra: I sold fence.
Marie Forleo: You sold fence. Okay.
Tank Sinatra: Fence. Yeah.
Marie Forleo: Yes.
Tank Sinatra: Like property fence.
Marie Forleo: Property fence. Cool. And do you no longer do that?
Tank Sinatra: No. It’s one of those words where when people… When they realize what it is they go, “Oh. That makes so much more sense than you being a fencer with a foil.”
Marie Forleo: Yes. Amazing.
Tank Sinatra: But that’s what everyone thinks. Yeah, I stopped that. I stopped doing that… Wow. It was December of 2017 that I left that company.
Marie Forleo: Oh my goodness.
Tank Sinatra: Yeah.
Marie Forleo: Could you ever have imagined what you’re doing now as your full-time?
Tank Sinatra: No.
Marie Forleo: And you are so funny. I sent you a meme that you created in probably 2017, actually. And it was one about God and fish. I’m telling you, Tank, every time I see it I can’t stop laughing. It’s literally, it’s amazing. You are so good at what you do.
Marie Forleo: So, one thing people wouldn’t expect about you. Anything. What do you think?
Tank Sinatra: I don’t know if they wouldn’t expect it, but I don’t know if they would know to the extent that I love music.
Marie Forleo: Tell me more.
Tank Sinatra: So, when I got sober in 2002 I said, “There’s two things I’m going to allow myself to do, that may require me to be around alcohol.” Right? “I’m going to allow myself to go to comedy clubs, and I’m going to allow myself to go to concerts or anything involving music.”
Tank Sinatra: Whether it’s a club, and the people are doing drugs there. I don’t care. I’m there for the right reason, and I need to allow myself that.
Marie Forleo: Yeah.
Tank Sinatra: I just find that music is something that… My other page Influencers In The Wild has grown exponentially, because it’s not dependent on the English language. So, my page is Tank Sinatra, Tank’s Good News, as big as they are, they’re very limited, because it’s only the UK, Canada, and America.
Tank Sinatra: With music, you kind of cut through all that and it’s like, I don’t know. Jay-Z is my favorite artist of all time, and the way that he describes the way he makes music is, he listens to the beat, he tries to figure out what kind of emotion the music itself is trying to emote, then he figures out how he wants to say what he wants to say. Meaning the beat of staccato, of how he’s going to say it, and then he puts the words into that format.
Tank Sinatra: And it’s like, the fact that these things didn’t exist, and now they do, I just love listening to a song once, twice, 100 times, 1500 times, and hearing… It just never gets old.
Tank Sinatra: It’s like reading. It’s like reading a book that you’ve read a million times. If you’re doing your job as a human, from the time you read that book to the time you’re reading it now you should have changed a little bit, and you should pick up on new things in a book.
Marie Forleo: I agree with you.
Tank Sinatra: So, the same thing with music.
Marie Forleo: 100%. I love that. Some of my favorite books, like I read every year, and they’re always different, and they’re always fresh. And it always feels like coming home to a really good sweater too.
Tank Sinatra: Yeah. It’s crazy. It’s like they’re reprinted. It’s like they literally took the words out that you read the first time and put new words in. They didn’t, but you pick up on different stuff, like the RAS thing you’re talking about.
Marie Forleo: Absolutely. I’m with you on music.
Tank Sinatra: The reticular.
Marie Forleo: Really with you on music. I’m actually very excited. I’m going to probably send you the clip of me singing. I made up a little ditty around Milli Vanilli as it relates to this episode. I’m going to send it to you, because I know you’re going to want to hear it again and again.
Tank Sinatra: Of course. Yeah.
Marie Forleo: For anyone right now who is just like, “We need more Tank,” tell us where everyone can find you. They can follow your pages, your podcast, anything you want to share with us.
Tank Sinatra: Yeah. My main things are on Instagram. It’s @tank.sinatra, @tanksgoodnews, @influencersinthewild, and tanksgoodnews.com. And I also am… So, I was talking to an investor about investing in Tank’s Good News. It didn’t work out, because of multiple different reasons. Right? But an unbelievable guy. Really good guy.
Tank Sinatra: So, I said, “Let’s keep in touch, if something comes up we’ll work on that.” He called me last week and he said that he’s launching something called the True Heroes Fund, where we’re going to be finding… Like, my sister-in-law is a nurse.
Marie Forleo: Yes.
Tank Sinatra: She just became a nurse like six months ago. To me, that’s like joining the military during peacetime, and then all of a sudden before you know it you’re overseas fighting a war. She was not expecting to get into this.
Tank Sinatra: So, whether it’s somebody new, somebody seasoned, somebody who retired and is coming back, whether they have to stay in a hotel, they can’t buy protective equipment, whatever it is, we want to support the people who work in the medical field literally putting their lives on the line for us.
Marie Forleo: Yes.
Tank Sinatra: This guy has donated one million dollars of his own money. We’re going to try and raise another million, if we raise another million he’s going to match it with another million. So, it’ll be three million dollars to go from everything for masks, to food, to funerals of people who have lost their lives working in the front lines.
Tank Sinatra: So, it’s something that I’m very excited about. It’s called the True Heroes Fund. I can’t wait to launch it. I think it’s going to be launched on Monday. So, if this comes out on Tuesday then it’ll be live at that point.
Marie Forleo: Well, you have my support right now. You also have my commitment. I will donate as well, and if you want, we’ll talk after this, but we can coordinate a little bit and I’m happy to support you with all of our channels and everything that we do, because making a difference and putting that into action is something that we take very seriously, and it’s one of our highest values. So, I’m in.
Tank Sinatra: Yeah. Action. Yeah, and then eventually what we’re trying to do is have somewhat of like an award ceremony where we can have people come for a night of entertainment, comedy, music, food, whatever, and give these people their due when this is all over and we can all finally get in a room together.
Marie Forleo: I love it. I love it.
Tank Sinatra: I can’t wait.
Marie Forleo: Tank, thank you so very much for who you are. Thank you for what you create. Thank you for what you put out in the world. Your humor, your big heart, your love, and thanks for making the time today.
Tank Sinatra: Thank you..
Marie Forleo: All right, party people. Let’s turn this insight into action. Remember, we do not want passive listeners here on the Marie Forleo Podcast, no we do not. We want you to take what you learn and use it to create results.
Marie Forleo: So, here is your insight to action challenge for today, part one. I want you to commit right now to radically decrease your negative news consumption. I want you to get specific too. What’s your maximum each day? Is it five minutes? Is it 10 minutes? What is that source of news, and what time of day is it best for you to really go in, get the information you need and get out?
Marie Forleo: And look, I don’t want you to just commit. In fact, I want you to declare it. That’s right. And if you’re real passionate about this, you can even make me a video and send it to me on social. You can say something like, “You know what Marie, I declare I will no longer despair from mindlessly consuming too much damn negative news.” Or do it whatever way you want to do it and tag me up.
Marie Forleo: Now, part two. You got to go fill your feeds with some real good stuff. Accounts that are inspiring or uplifting, and if you don’t already, you should really be following me on Instagram. I’m @marieforleo, because I always post funny stuff, and positive stuff, and some dance moves, and weird things, but it’s always going to make you feel great.
Marie Forleo: And if you want even more accounts to follow, use the Google to find other positive news sources. There are tons of them out there. Now, of course if you enjoyed this episode screenshot it, tag me @marieforleo and share it with your people. Or even better, leave us a positive review on Apple Podcast or Google Podcast because let’s face it, who likes crappy reviews? Nobody. And with that, I say thank you so much for listening and until next time, stay on your game and keep going for your dreams, because the world really does need that very special gift that only you have. Love you so much and I’ll catch you next time.
Marie Forleo: Oh my goodness, you’re incredible. You’re still listening. Now look, if you enjoyed this podcast I think you’re going to really love my free audio training called How To Get Anything You Want. You’re going to learn three strategies that’ll give you the clarity and confidence to build your dreams, on your terms. Just Google “Marie Forleo How To Get Anything You Want” and you can download this audio training for free right now. Enjoy it.
DIVE DEEPER: How to stop focusing on the negative and Rick Hanson’s brain hack for building inner strength. Plus: our Coronavirus Support Guide.
2 Simple Ways to Invite More Good News Into Your Life
Over the last few weeks, we’ve received a lot of voicemails from folks who are not feeling like themselves. Some expressed feeling lethargic, unfocused, and unproductive. If you’re feeling this way, know that this is a very natural response to what’s happening right now.
Reducing the amount of negative news you consume can help. Here are two ways you can start right now.
Step #1: Reduce Your News Consumption To One Serving A Day.
This is simple, but oh-so-effective. Find a local news source that gives you the facts and leaves you feeling strong.
Limit your conventional news intake to 5 - 10 minutes max. Then, be done for the day.
For example, right now I watch New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s daily news briefings each night, with a nice little bowl of popcorn on my couch. He delivers the facts with precision and empathy. He separates facts from his opinion. No matter how bad, terrible, or painful the data, I always feel informed and hopeful. I appreciate his warm communication style. Frankly, it’s exactly what I need right now.
To be clear, by limiting our news consumption, I’m not suggesting we turn a blind eye to everything negative or close our hearts to the very real suffering and pain of others. We must never, ever turn away from the truth.
But setting a limit on the amount of negative news you consume each day will help you stay mentally and emotionally strong. This way, you’ll have the energy to turn the pain and heartache of this moment into helpful, productive action.
Step #2: Increase Your GOOD NEWS Consumption With The 5:1 Rule
Negativity bias is a powerful evolutionary force. My friend and neuroscientist Dr. Rick Hanson says, “Our brains are like velcro for negative experiences but teflon for positive ones.”
Translation? It takes a lot more positive news to combat the negative news — five to be exact. I’m basing that off of a longitudinal study by the psychology researchers Dr. Gottman and Robert Levenson, who discovered it takes five positive interactions to make up for a single negative one.
Yes, negativity is that powerful. With that in mind, I suggest we apply that 5:1 rule to our consumption of negative news.
Each time you choose to consume one bit of traditional news, seek out five pieces of good news to counterbalance it.
Tank’s Good News Instagram account is a great place to start, but there are also thousands of other good news media outlets. Just Google “good news” and you’ll find plenty to click through.
Even better, you can create good news through today’s insight into action challenge.
The Good News Insight Into Action Challenge
Ready to make some positive change? Today’s insight into action challenge has two parts. Answer one or both in the comments below.
- What’s your new maximum limit of news consumption for each day? Is it five, ten, or 20 minutes? What’s the source and when will you get the information you need? I suggest as late in the day as possible to avoid starting your day with news. It’s not the healthiest or most productive use of your time. Be specific and you’ll make it easier to keep your promise with yourself.
- Mute or unfollow negative accounts that are in your social feeds and replace them with uplifting ones. (And if you don’t already, follow me on Instagram because I always post fun, inspiring, funny, and uplifting content.) Share your go-to sources for positive, good news in the comments below.
Share as much detail as possible in your reply. Thousands of incredible souls come here each week for insight and inspiration and your words may help someone else have a meaningful breakthrough. Important: share your thoughts and ideas directly in the comments. Links to other posts, videos, etc. will be deleted as they come across as spammy.
If you’ve spent any time around these parts, then you know I take a strong stand for kindness. Please write and respond to each other in that same spirit.
Make no mistake, your health, happiness, and joyful contribution makes a real difference. More than you might know.
With enormous love,