Hi! I'm Marie
You have gifts to share with the world and my job is to help you get them out there.
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Button TextImagine this.
You’re giving a big presentation, telling a story over Zoom, or pitching an idea. Your audience leans in. They’re hanging on your every word. Instead of staring at their phones, they’re staring at you.
You’re making them feel something. Not because your words are perfect, but because of how you’re saying them.
Want to learn how to do it? America’s top voice coach, Roger Love, is here to teach you the same vocal techniques he uses with his students — students like Selena Gomez, Gwen Stefani, and Reese Witherspoon.
Roger Love is the real deal. Bradley Cooper hired him to learn how to sing for the film, A Star Is Born... and then he won a Grammy.

This interview had me jumping in my seat and jonesing for some karaoke. (Josh has Roger to thank for the new one-woman acapella concertos happening at home.)
If you’ve ever wished you could speak or sing with confidence, get ready because there’s so much in this interview:
2:44 — Why the voice you were born with could be holding you back.
6:45 — The common mistake that makes 80% of people sound boring.
13:50 — How to convey *anything* with passion — even a voicemail!
17:45 — Why HOW you say something matters just as much as WHAT you say.
21:17 — The secret to never losing your voice again.
24:21 — How Roger helped Bradley Cooper win a Grammy.
Your voice is the most powerful instrument you were born with. In this interview, Roger Love will show you how to use it.
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In this episode of MarieTV, we do have some adult language. So if you do have little ones around, grab your headphones now.
Marie Forleo: Hey, it’s Marie Forleo. And you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business and life you love. Now, if you want to be able to use your voice in the most powerful, persuasive, and impactful way, you are going to love today’s episode, because my guest is the one and only Roger Love. He’s known as America’s top voice coach. He’s worked with singers, and actors, and speakers. People like Bradley Cooper, Selena Gomez, Gwen Stefani, Tony Robbins, you name it. So, if you want your voice to be the most powerful instrument it can possibly be, get ready.
Okay so, Roger Love it is so great to have you on the show. Thank you so much for making time for us today. You are amazing.
Roger Love: Thank you so much. It is my honor. I am a huge fan of yours, have been for many, many years.
Marie Forleo: Well, let’s dive in. So, as a voice coach, you’ve said, “I help people achieve sounds to achieve their desired goals.” And when I shared that with my team, more than a few people were like, “What does that mean? And can he give us an example?”
Roger Love: Sure. We basically have the greatest communication tool that we will ever possess no matter how amazing technologies, and new things happen to us. We have the voice, and we were born with it, and that’s how we’re supposed to communicate. But most people never think about their voice, or the sounds that they’re making until they lose it. They wake up in the morning, and they go to speak and there’s no voice. Now, they’re thinking about their voice.
But I’ve literally spent my lifetime trying to help people figure out what sounds should come out, so that you showcase what’s special about you, what’s unique about you, what’s smart about you, what’s loving about you. And how can you use your voice to influence other people?
So, first I started with singers. When I was 16, I was the voice coach for the Beach Boys, and Luther Vandross, and all of these amazing singing groups, just being thrown in at the deep end. But 17 years later, after I’d gotten very, very good at helping singers figure out what sounds should come out of their mouths so that they could influence millions of people, speakers, like Tony Robbins and Reese Witherspoon, and all these amazing actors and influencers started coming to me to work on their speaking voices. So, I’ve spent the last 20 some odd years working with singers, but really loving working with the speaking voice, and how people can change the way that they sound, and how it can change their lives.
Marie Forleo: That is so cool. So, couple other things that you’ve said that I want to unpack. Many of us are trapped in voices that don’t convey the very best of who they are. And then, you ask this question, I thought this was very provocative, is it possible that your voice may be ruining your life? And I heard that and I was just like, “Wait, what? Yes, that is possible.” Can you tell us more?
Roger Love: Sure. Most people think that they are the voice that they were born with. So, if they haven’t really nasal voice, that’s it. It’s my mom’s fault or my dad’s fault. Or, if I speak really airy I should just be a therapist that says, “I care about you more than I care about me.” But people are trapped, really, in the voices that they think they were born with. But that’s not the case. We are the voices that we imitated growing up. We were born with an instrument, so we imitated Mom if she had an airy voice, and we wanted to get breast milk. So, we said, “Mommy, milk,” trying to imitate her. And if Dad spoke like this, “Let’s go fishing,” and if I wanted to go fishing, and as soon as I could learn the word fish, I said, “Fish, fish Dad.” So, I sounded like the people that were in my environment.
Flash forward, we’re all adults or young adults, and we now think that’s the voice that we were destined to have. It’s not true. That voice may be actually ruining your life because it’s just some outdated voice that you used when you were a kid to try to connect with people. But now it’s time to say, “Oh, here’s who I am. Here are the things that I believe. Here’s the mark I want to make in life. So why can’t I create a voice that works for that, that showcases the best of who I am?”
Marie Forleo: And do you think that there are specific sounds, Roger, that you’ve seen, over time working with speakers specifically, that either convey a sense of mistrust, or insecurity, or a lack of confidence? I’m thinking about our listeners and our watchers, our audience right now, and some of them, I am 100% certain, do not feel secure in their ability to communicate clearly and with a sense of power and empathy. So, I’m curious to hear what you would have to say in terms of the things that we may be unawaredly doing that are getting in our way.
Roger Love: Yeah. First of all, let me say that I’m going to answer that question, but let me skirt into it by saying that when I speak to you, and when you speak to me sound leaves your mouth, invisible sound waves, and they’re supposed to vibrate my body. And the first part of the body that it goes into is the brain. So, it goes in my ears to the first part of the brain, which is called the amygdala. Now, the amygdala decides if it’s going to let information into the prefrontal cortex, which is that part of the brain that really processes the information and feels things and then stores it into memory. But the language of the amygdala of this first brain filter is emotion. And the amygdala doesn’t think words are emotional.
So, if I say, “I really want you to eat this apple, it’s good,” the amygdala says, “What did he say, apple? If he did, who cares?” But if I say, “I really want you to try this apple, Adam, you’re going to love it.” And then the amygdala says, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a second,” pushes that information to the prefrontal cortex where now the brain can really think about it. Do I like apples? Do I want to eat that apple? I’ll remember that apple. So, the reason that speaking is so important is because you only want to learn sounds that are emotional sounds, or you’re never actually going to connect with people. They’ll never remember what you said. They’ll only remember how you made them feel. And, now, science supports that.
Okay so, here are some sounds that have no feelings whatsoever. A lot of people speak in, a term called, monotone, which is if they were a piano, they’d only be one note and they get stuck on that one note. “That’s my note. And I live my whole life on this one note. Every so often I get really excited maybe. And I say, ‘Oh,’ and then I go back to this one note.” And you laugh at me and you say, “Roger, nobody talks like that,” but the truth is over 85% of the population only speaks with maybe one or two notes. So, we are a world of monotone, and we need to use more notes. A piano has 88 keys, you don’t need all those, but you need to add enough melody into your voice that it sounds more emotional. Like you’re singing to someone, instead of speaking to someone. Monotone has no emotion except to bore the heck out of the listeners.
Another sound that can have feeling or not has to do with volume. We’ve become a world that is afraid of volume because we equate volume with anger. So, if I speak really loud to you, you’re like, “Roger’s mad at me. What did I do? What’s the matter with Roger?” So, we’re so afraid of volume that we all end up speaking a little softer because we don’t want to come across as being angry. We know that’s not a good emotion. But volume is not angry when you mix it with melody, what I just told you. If you stay on the same note and you get loud, of course, you sound angry. But if you have a melody and you’re loud, if you go up and you go down, and you go up, and you go down you’re, then, perceived as being happy, and emotional, and the very least ever thought of as being angry.
So, people are coming across shy because they don’t speak loud enough. People are coming across boring because they don’t have any melody in their voice, it’s just all the same note. And those are unemotional sounds, which we need to fix.
Marie Forleo: Wow. And as I was listening to you, and you were using melody and volume, the word that popped into my brain was passion. It was like enthusiastic, energetic, passionate about a topic. And also, I felt this sense of storytelling coming through that made me want to lean forward and hear more. It’s just incredible.
Roger Love: The greatest storytellers are singers, songwriters because they have three minutes to basically get you so engaged in who the characters are, who broke whose heart, what’s going to happen at the end, do you want them to get back together or stay apart? So, a good song is a three-minute amazing movie filled with emotions. So, storytelling is really about speaking from emotion to emotion, so that you bring the listener from emotion to emotion instead of from word to word. So, you cannot be a good storyteller if you don’t have emotional sounds in your voice, because they’re just going to focus on the words and they’re not going to feel anything.
Marie Forleo: So, okay, monotone, I heard you say that’s probably roughly 80% of the population, right?
Roger Love: Yeah.
Marie Forleo: Can get into that kind of very narrow range. And then volume, not speaking loudly enough, or having any melody. For anyone who is a potential speaker, or they have to do presentations, are there any other kind of things that we should watch out for that we wouldn’t even recognize because we’re so used to speaking the way that we speak, because we’ve never had any training?
Roger Love: Yes. We were taught when we were kids, at least in America, to go down in melody when we got to commas and periods. So we said, “Watch Spot run. That’s Spot’s ball. Now, let’s all go to the party. Here, when I get to a comma, or when I get to a period, I’m going to go down.” The only time the teacher told me it was okay to go up was when I had a question. “You like chocolate? You want to take a nap?” So, the teacher told me that I could only go up for questions. So, people are actually going down at every common period, and that’s called a descending scale. And when I do that, which is what most people do, it makes people sound sad. “It’s my birthday. I’m so happy to be with you. I love my wife. It’s okay.” And that melody, that descending scale, that going down at commas and periods is making everyone who listens to you think that you’re sad, and then they feel sad because of you.
Why do people want to make other people sad? I don’t. I don’t think we should ever do that. We should use ascending melodies. Now, I’m walking up the steps. “I love my wife. I love golf.” Don’t worry about making it sound like a question. It won’t. I love going up because that makes people happy. If we all spoke going up, instead of going down everyone would listen more to us. Everyone would feel that we were happy, and we were making them happy, and healthy, and that they would be hanging on every word that we said instead of trying to just nap in between when we get to commas and periods.
Marie Forleo: So, what I hear you saying, which is so fascinating, is our ability using this instrument that we have to evoke emotion from the person that we’re speaking with. And I mean, I can just see the applications for this in meetings, talking with your family, talking with your spouse, talking with your friends. And then, of course, if you are on stage talking to hundreds, if not thousands of people.
You know, Roger, so much of my career, I’ve taught fitness, and I’ve spoken on stages, and I speak a lot in video, and one of the things they always notice on stages, and my team notices this too, I get fired up. There’s something with that energetic play back and forth. But I’m thinking about it, it’s like, “Oh God.” There is so many times when just the fear of being loud is out. You know what I mean?
Roger Love: Yeah.
Marie Forleo: And the ability to perform and to use all of me seems to expand. It’s almost like if I have more physical space on stage, I almost give myself more space, and more room to play with my voice. And it’s making me think of all these interesting things now. But my point was… God, yeah, go for it, dive in.
Roger Love: Most people… You have a beautiful voice and you’re passionate about the things that you talk about. So, the combination of that, the good voice, and you record yourself a lot as well, so you hear the sounds you make, and then you adjust. Most people are not used to listening to the sounds they make. They don’t know what they sound like, because sound traveling away from you sounds different than sound coming towards you. So, when are people the most shocked? They buy a phone and they’re like, “Oh, I’ve got a new phone. And now I’m going to record my voicemail message,” and you record it. “Hi, this is Roger Love and this is my new phone. I’m so excited. You should come and meet me and my new phone.” And then, you listen back to it. And it says, “Boring, boring, boring. Don’t call me ever. I’m boring. I’m not very pretty.” And then you were like, “Ugh, why did I spend all that money on the phone? It must have a terrible microphone. I’m doing something wrong.”
And then, you spend 20 minutes, on average, to record a better voicemail message. And you say, “I give up.” 20 minutes and you’re like, “I give up. This is as good as I can make. I’m an adult. I have a job. I have people that depend upon me. I cannot spend any more time,” and you settle. And then, you walk away from it, and that voice that you’ve left on your voicemail message, that voice that you settled with that’s the voice that you’re leading your life with. That’s the voice that everyone who hears you hears. People don’t like their voices and don’t know that they could change it.
Also, people think that they can only have one voice, one character, one emotion. So, they either sound happy all the time. You see these salesmen online and salespeople online, and they’re just selling, and they’re selling. And it’s just so over the top all the time, and it’s really high. And they have one voice. But I also learned that you have to create different characters to succeed in different areas of your life.
So, for example, when I’m at work, I am voice teacher, omnipotent, omnipresent, solve all problems, whatever you sound like I can fix it. That has volume and melody, and strength and the pacing of the voice. It’s all very important sounding. Well, if I take that voice home to my wife, and I walk in the door with voice teacher, sort of feeling godlike all day, I create miracles, the first thing she says when she hears that is like, “No, no, no, no, no, no, no. We’re not looking for the voice teacher to come home. If you’d like to be husband, if you’d like to be father, let’s go into that mode and please take out the trash.”
So, people are coming home with their executive voice and they’re trying to have relationships with it, and wondering why it’s not working.
Marie Forleo: I need to interrupt you, I have to, because I am laughing at myself. Oh my God, I have to call myself out for this. It’s so funny. A, yes to different characters, and yes to different voices, let’s dive into that a minute. But yes, also, Josh, there’ll be times he’s like, “I am not your employee.” And, again, we talk about this. Josh and I, we love each other so much. We’ve been together for 17 years, he’s an actor, so we have so many fun, little creative battles and stuff like that. But that is one that he’s like, “Can you go take a shower or do something, so I have the other Marie? You know, the cozy one, the one that’s going to be on the couch and hang out and stuff.” And I was just like, “What are you talking about? I’m me, I’m always me.” And it’s like, “Oh hell no.”
Roger Love: We live in a culture that thinks that if we had the right words to say to Josh, he’d say, “Oh, that’s the Marie that can snuggle with me on the couch.” But words don’t matter, as the sounds that are attached to words.
There was an amazing study done a couple years ago, and up until that point, they would do these surveys and basically try to figure out when I speak, how many different emotions can you register or identify? And the most they ever could categorize was 12 emotions. So, they would have recordings of people saying things, and then they’d ask people what emotion is that? Well, then last year, there was an incredible study and they decided to do something that had never been done before. They took the words out of the equation. So, they had people say things like, “Oh,” “Mm,” “Ah,” “Mmmm,” and see how many emotions people could agree to. It happened that they could find 24 emotions, and all agree that there were now suddenly double the amount of emotions without the words. So, talk about how important the voices and the sounds aside from the word they will make you sound twice as emotional, twice as connective, twice as authentic, twice as believable, twice as loving, twice as being able to be a good snuggler.
Marie Forleo: I love this. And it comes back to kind of an age old piece of wisdom that many of us have heard before, but I can always use the reminder, it’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it.
Roger Love: Yes.
Marie Forleo: Right? You can say, the same thing, it’s like, “Josh, take out the garbage,” and it could be a dagger, and it could feel horrible. Or be like, “Josh, can you take out the garbage,” and all of a sudden, a completely different response. And if we look at this through the lens of sales, of communication, of leadership, of being able to share your message, your product, or your service out in the world it’s like, “Whoa, this is transformative, on another level.”
Roger Love: I became famous because I was teaching a lot of singers. And then, more recently, got famous because I was teaching a lot of non-singers how to sing. So, I took Bradley Cooper and taught him how to sing for the movie, A Star is Born. And before that I did Reese Witherspoon and Joaquin Phoenix for Walk the Line. And I did Jeff Bridges and Colin Farrell for Crazy Heart. And they were all winning Academy Awards. So, people think, oh, my specialty is that I teach non-singers how to sing. My specialty is I’ve realized that there’s no difference between singing and speaking and, if you marry the two together, you truly have an incredible voice that showcases everything that is amazing about you, and can totally change every aspect of your life, personally, and business-wise.
Marie Forleo: Yes. Okay so, let’s dive into that a little bit because I had this a little bit later on, but let’s go in here now. So, you’ve also worked with folks like Gwen Stefani, and Selena Gomez, and John Mayer, and Eminem. So, on the singing side, all of those folks are incredible and we’re fans of them. I’m curious, what kind of things did they want to work on? Where were their growth opportunities? Or where did they show up saying, “Hey, this is the place I really want to get stronger.” Or, “Hey, this is the area where I feel like there’s other possibilities that I haven’t hit yet.”
Roger Love: A lot of singers and then, later, a lot of speakers started coming to me first because they were losing their voices. You talk all the time, and you’ve gotten to a place where you don’t get hoarse that often. And when you do, you rest up. But most people when they speak, if they speak for any length of time, their vocal cords get dry, and puffy, and red, and swollen. And no matter how much water they drink, or tea, so they think with honey and lemon is good for them, but we’ll go into that, it’s not that good for them. But no matter how much liquid they drink, they still lose their voices. So, most of those singers actually came to me because they were losing their voices.
And, interestingly enough, 17 years later, when I started teaching speakers, the main reason they were coming to me was because they were losing their voices. And they couldn’t do hours of being on stage, days of being on stage. But that’s such an easy fix. One of the main reasons that you, or anyone who is listening to this is losing their voice is because they are breathing in through their mouths.
Marie Forleo: Yes. Tell us more, please tell us more because we did this, by the way, for everyone watching/listening, I’m obsessed with Roger and I can’t wait to continue working with him because one of my lifelong dreams is to be able to sing. And maybe I’ll sing for you all, grace with my not so good voice, or great voice. It’s going to get there, Roger will help me. But just for fun. And this is one of the main things he was teaching me because I am a mouth breather all the time. So, please, continue.
Roger Love: If you have a baby and you want to know if the baby’s alive, or your dog has a puppy and you want to know if the puppy’s alive you don’t stare at the dog’s mouth or the baby’s mouth. You look at their tummies and you see their tummy come forward when they inhale, and come back in. That’s how you know that the child is alive. So, we’re all born breathing in through our noses because there are filters in the nose called turbinates. And when you breathe into those turbinates, it becomes moist air.
So, right now with me and anyone listening open your mouth, and take a big breath in like this. Do you feel all the dryness?
Marie Forleo: Yes.
Roger Love: You can feel dryness go from your tongue all the way to the back part of your throat. Now, close your mouth, breathe in through your nose. Zero dryness. We need to actually close our lips at the commas and the periods, take a breath, and then speak until the next comma, close our lips, breathe through our noses and then speak. Stop breathing through your mouth. And your voice will last all day and all night. It really is that simple.
Marie Forleo: It’s amazing. Okay so, going back to Bradley Cooper for a minute because he was so incredibly grateful and thankful for the work that you all did together. And I heard him say he worked with you every morning at 7:30 AM, that you guys would just work for weeks and weeks and weeks. When Bradley first showed up, I mean, again, another incredible creative and incredible artist, did he believe he could sing? Where was his voice at and where were you able to get to? And I know there was the other layer with him too, because it wasn’t Bradley Cooper voice, speaking about these different voices, it was this character’s voice that was also quite different than his own natural voice.
Roger Love: Exactly right. He actually has a little bit of a higher voice. And he came in, he said, “I want to create this voice that’s down here. That’s the voice of the character. And yet I want to sing and I have to sing opposite Lady Gaga and she’s amazing. Oh, and by the way, Roger, we’ve decided that we’re not going to pre-record any vocals, we’re not going to go into the studio and do it line by line, word by word. And then, you’re going to fix it in the computer. We’re going to sing live on stage when we’re doing it with the band. And those are the vocals, because if Gaga can do it, I want to do it.”
But here was the challenge: Bradley loves music, always. Most people don’t know this, but when he was little, he wanted to grow up not to be an actor, he wanted to be a conductor. So, his parents bought him a baton, and he would spend hours and hours and hours in his room pretending he was leading the orchestra with his baton. So, he never spent much time singing though. So, he came to me with a love of music, but not being a singer. But the love of music, even just listening to music had him filled with sounds in his brain.
So, all I had to do was I think of myself like a piano builder. People come to me like singers, or pianos that only have a certain number of keys. And then, I build the rest of the piano, I build the rest of the voice, so that they have all the lows, they have all the highs and everything in between. So, he didn’t have any technique, so I taught him how to train his voice, like an instrument. And then, we started working on song after song, after song, and then working up the performance.
But it starts with you gotta realize that your voice is a musical instrument, like any other instrument. And would you walk around, or get up on stage, and play a guitar that was totally out of tune? Or would you try to tune it a little and then play your song? Because you know how the audience is going to react if you play the guitar and it’s out of tune, or the piano’s out of tune.
Marie Forleo: Yeah, no, thank you so much for sharing that. I remember just seeing that film in the theater and it was actually one that I went to go see by myself. Josh and I were in different geographical locations due to work. And it came out and I was like, “I must see this.” And I just remember Lady Gaga, I mean, I’ve adored her forever, seen her in concert, she is just spectacular. But I had no idea that Bradley could sing, and just them together, and being so moved.
And, for me, I had shared this during our last lesson I’ve had this dream for so long to be able to sing, again, not professionally, just for the freedom of being able to do that. I’m a huge fan of karaoke. I’ve been doing karaoke for years. And I will tell you, you are the first person that has given me this light of possibility. I believe everything is figureoutable, right? And just, for years, I’m like, “God, can I figure out how to acquire and do this skill that seems like so much fun? I’m a dancer, I’m a mover. I want to be able to do this.”
And your ability to teach clearly and concretely, and with so much wonderful encouragement that doesn’t feel like it’s just sugar. It feels so rooted that I just want to thank you for that because I’m having so much fun doing my exercises. And sometimes Josh would be like, “Oh, can you close the door?” He’s like, “It sounds amazing, but …” because he’s on a meeting or something and I’m singing all the scales. But it’s really, really exciting.
So, for anyone listening right now who may be like me, who has this dream of going like, “Oh my goodness, I would love to sing, but I don’t think I was…,” if you’re not Beyonce, if you didn’t pop out understanding, or knowing how to use your voice in that way, can you just give us the answer? Can anyone learn how to sing?
Roger Love: Yes. One of the saddest stories that I keep hearing over and over and over, from the time that I was little as soon as I started teaching, was people would come to me and they would say, “I auditioned for my choir when I was little. And the choir teacher said, ‘No, you’re tone deaf. You can’t be in the choir.'” And it was such a devastating blow to each of those people that heard that they basically ex-communicated the concept of singing and music from their lives. Those things rock their self-esteem. Their belief that anything was possible, suddenly nothing was possible. And they never recover from that, as silly as that sounds, because it’s not silly.
And the truth is that that choir teacher wasn’t a technique teacher. That choir teacher was just teaching people songs and getting them all to stay on their parts, but didn’t have the time to teach technique. And wasn’t a technique teacher. That’s why, when I was young, I learned to be a technique teacher saying, “Here’s what anyone can do with the voice. Anyone can sing from lows to highs without any pressure, without any straining, and sound amazing, and strong, and beautiful, and have vibrato. And be on pitch. And then learn to sing emotional. Anyone if they have the right technique.”
So, I make my singing technique, and I created it. So, I made it so that anyone could do it. You didn’t have to be able to read music, or play an instrument, or ever sing before. And that’s why I’ve had so much success.
Marie Forleo: Yeah.
Roger Love: Because I really know that anyone who just wants to learn how to sing can learn to sing. And every single person who comes to me for singing I also fix their speaking voices. And every single student comes to me for their speaking voice. I also fix their singing because why not? Why can’t you just get all of the joy from the sounds that come out of your mouth in one moment in time?
Marie Forleo: It’s so good. And it’s so fun. And it’s such a fundamental part of who we are. I mean, music has been such a huge part of my life. I often tell people this, I was a Nike Elite Dance Athlete, and I used to teach hip hop. And so many people, similar thing, they would say, “But I can’t dance. I don’t have rhythm.” And I remember one time a friend of mine, we were bartending together, he’s like, “Marie, I really want to learn to dance, but I don’t have rhythm.” I’m like, “That’s bull. We can teach this. This is possible.” And I just want to honor you and just love on you, Roger Love, for doing what you do, because it really is such a gift. And even everything we talked about today is just brilliant.
So, before we wrap up, I know that you and your team have a special gift for our listeners and you guys listening, obviously, you know, Roger works with a lot of big names and a lot of stars, but he’s also taken his incredible talents and gifts, and he’s turned them into online training programs, which by the way, just so you guys know, I’m not affiliate, I don’t get anything from this. I just care about my audience. And I always want you guys to have access to the best people, and the best information, and the best possible education out there. So, Roger, if anyone is watching, or listening and they just want to learn more where should they go?
Roger Love: Well, I came today because I love to be the person that helps give voice to anyone’s dream. You and I spoke last week, and you wanted to be a great singer. And I was like, “Oh, the joy of being able to help someone get closer to their dream is what I live for.” I say that I used to really believe when I was young, that my goal in life was to teach people to have great voices. And then, I realized that was fun. But I realized more important than that is my job in life is to use voice to make great people, and to make those people have their dreams of singing and speaking come true.
So, basically, if you want to sing, or speak, or this interview has inspired you, in any way, to do both I came with a gift of a $50 gift certificate that’s waiting for you. If you go to rogerlove.com/marie, I love that title, rogerlove.com/marie. So, you just go to the website, and you claim your gift certificate. And you can use it toward any training program that’s perfect for you, so whatever you want to achieve with your voice. And, by the way, we made sure that your $50 is good for speaking training, singing training, or both because I know if your friends and fans or anything like you they’re multi-passionate. I don’t want people to ever have to choose between two good dreams, should I learn how to sing? Should I learn how to speak? So, go to rogerlove.com/marie and spend $50, my gift, on anything that’ll make either of those dreams, or both of those dreams more of a reality.
Marie Forleo: That is so cool. Thank you so much for your generosity. Thank you for the work that you do, and for filling all of us with just these simple and effective tips that can help us just communicate more effectively, and create the emotion that we want in other people. And Roger Love, you are just such a gift, so thanks for being on today. I really appreciate you.
Roger Love: Well, thank you so much for having me. It is an honor. And I can’t wait until the next time that you sing for me or speak.
Marie Forleo: Wasn’t that amazing? Wasn’t Roger just fantastic? I really hope you’re going to use some of the tips that he talked about today. Speaking of which, I’m curious, what was the most important insight from that conversation and how can you put it into action starting right now? Now, as always, the most fantastic conversations happen over at the magical land of marieforleo.com. So, head on over there and leave a comment now. And once you’re there, if you’re not already subscribed to our email list, and become an MF Insider. You will get instant access to an audio training I created called How to Get Anything You Want. It’s so good, so make sure you do that. And, as always, stay on your game, and keep going for your dreams because the world really does need that very special gift that only you have. Thank you so much for watching, and I will catch you next time on MarieTV.
Hey, you having trouble bringing your dreams to life? Well guess what. The problem isn’t you. It’s not that you’re not hardworking or intelligent or deserving. It’s that you haven’t yet installed the one key belief that will change it all. Everything is Figureoutable. It’s my new book and you can order it now at everythingisfigureoutable.com.
DIVE DEEPER: How to overcome impostor syndrome and how to overcome fear of public speaking with Josh Pais.
Roger Love’s gift:
Ready to harness the power of your voice? As we mentioned in this episode, Roger’s offering MarieTV listeners a $50 gift certificate for his Singing Academy and Perfect Voice programs. Go here to claim it.
Now Roger and I would love to hear from you.
Did you experience any ‘aha’ moments from this conversation? What was your biggest insight and how can you turn that insight into action now?
Leave a comment below and let us know. Remember, share as much detail as possible in your reply. Thousands of incredible souls come here each week for insight and motivation, and your story may help someone else have a meaningful breakthrough.
Important: share your thoughts and ideas directly in the comments. Links to other posts, videos, etc. will be removed.
Remember, your voice matters.
Or as Roger says, “You were born with the greatest communication tool you will ever possess. No matter how amazing technology is, you have your voice.”
With all my love and gratitude,