Hi! I'm Marie
You have gifts to share with the world and my job is to help you get them out there.
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Judging a person does not define who they are, it defines who you are.
Back when I first started my business, I envisioned how it would look years down the road.
I dreamed of the day when I’d be lucky enough to work with really talented people like the ones who fill my company now.
I fantasized about having work/play “getaways” in gorgeous places with tons of healthy food and ample supplies of markers and flip charts.
I imagined the millions of people we’d reach, the projects we’d knock out of the park, and the impact we’d make on the world.
But that was a fantasy I didn’t tell many people about for years.
Because I was afraid that my idea was dumb and I’d be judged for it.
I was afraid of dealing with criticism.
Twenty years later, I now see how silly that was. But at the time the fear of criticism felt very real and very intimidating.
Since growing my business to what it is today, I’ve dealt with my share of criticism. Sometimes it’s a useful tip from a well-intentioned friend to improve my life. A lot of times it’s an uncreative comment from a bored clown biscuit online.
Either way though, criticism can offer a moment of growth — if you know how to deal with it.
How to Deal With Criticism Positively
If you ever let the fear of what other people will say stop you from creating to your full potential or don’t know how to handle criticism, the MarieTV episode below is for you.
You’ll learn four critical points to keep in mind about criticism, as well as two of my all-time favorite quotes on the subject. If you want more tips and clear steps on how to handle criticism in the moment, keep reading after the video.
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Do you know? My mom sent me an email, all caps saying that I won the award for the best daughter in the universe.
Aw, man.
Amazing, good to know.
Hey, it's Marie Forleo and you are watching Marie TV, the place to be to create a business and life you love, and this is Q&A Tuesday. Today's question comes from Blaine who writes, "Hi Marie, love your videos and I'm really hoping you can help with this one. I find I have trouble separating my business from my sense of self. I'm so fearful of criticism and judgment, it keeps me from putting my ideas out there with a full heart. I'm afraid people will discover I'm a fraud, or I don't really know what I'm doing, so I keep my armor on and we all know that's not a way to serve the world. Got any Marie wisdom on that? Thank you so, so much."
Blaine, this is an awesome question and something every creator I know faces. In fact, when I'm writing these Marie TV episodes, I have those same thoughts go through my head. As our show continues to gain more and more awesome fans and have an even bigger audience, we're also gaining more and more critics, so I know exactly how you feel. Here are four important things I want you to remember about criticism.
Number one, we are all judged and criticized right now. People judge and criticize you exactly as you are right now. Maybe they're judging how you look, or what you're choosing to do, or not do with your life, what you're eating or not eating, what you're wearing, what you're listening to, and heck, if you tell the truth, you judge and criticize yourself constantly. This is normal, and it's part of being human. You know, I think P!nk sang it fast in her song. Try; I know she's talking about romantic love, but the same principles apply to putting your ideas out into the world. (singing)
Take P!nk. She is an amazing example. Here's this huge mega talent, big, big star. Sure, there's some people that don't like her, but there's millions and millions of others who do. You say you don't like P!nk, you say she sucks, doesn't stop her now, does it?
Number two, the bigger game you play, the more criticism you'll receive. It's just how it goes. The more you put yourself out there and take a stand for something you believe in, the more people seem to come out of the woodwork and try and tear you down, but you got to get used to it if you want to come off the sidelines and play in the big leagues. But here's the thing. Criticism is just another form of people's opinions, and opinions are like a certain part of the human anatomy. Everyone has one and most of them stink.
Number three, who are you really going to listen to? I, for one, have never received a piece of hurtful criticism from someone who's actually out there accomplishing things in the world, and I've certainly never received it from anyone that I admire. Most successful people are too darn busy creating things in the world and actually living their lives to have time to harshly criticize and judge you. The majority of the time, the people who are the harshest critics are creative cowards. They are bystanders on the sidelines of life who risk, nothing and create nothing. As Chuck Palahniuk says, and it's definitely a Tweetable, "It's easy to attack and destroy an act of creation, is a lot more difficult to perform one." Realize it's easy for lazy people to point out what you're doing wrong, but you got to ask yourself, "Are you really going to let them have power over your life?" When you're on your death bed? Are you going to look back on your life and feel a sense of pride that you avoided criticism?
Number four, most criticism is irrelevant. Most criticism is not constructive. It's just someone's opinion. For example, let's say your friend hates chocolate. Does that mean chocolate suck? No. In fact, I'm not a huge fan of chocolate, especially dark chocolate. Does that mean I'm hurting dark chocolate's feelings? No, I'm not. Oh maybe I did hurt dark chocolate's feelings? Sorry dark chocolate.
The point is, my opinion makes it no less valid or delicious, except to me. Now to wrap this up Blaine, I want to share two of my favorite quotes about criticism. The first is from Teddy Roosevelt. "It's not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, because there is not effort without error and shortcomings, but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat". And finally, here's something we all need to remember when we're about to judge or criticize someone. One of my favorite quotes of all time. "Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are". Blaine, that was my A to your Q, thank you so much for asking it.
So now I'd love to hear from you. Have you ever faced harsh criticism? If so, what did you do to overcome it? Did it take you out, or did you do something to get back on the horse? I would love to hear your experience. As always, the best discussions happen after the episode over at marieforleo.com, so go there and leave a comment now. Did you like this video? If so, subscribe to the channel and share it with your friends, and if you want even more great resources to create a business and a life that you love, plus some personal insights from me that I only talk about on email, get your buns over to marieforleo.com and sign up for email updates. Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams, because the world needs that special gift that only you have. Thank you so much for watching, and I'll catch you next time on Marie TV.
I'm a do it. Taters going to tate. Do you like my waffle dress? I like my waffle dress. I almost got it, and I will get it. I am [inaudible 00:06:52] .
People handle criticism (or the fear of it) so differently. If you’re not careful, the fear of judgement can freeze you in your tracks, keeping you from taking real-life action.
Don’t let criticism stop you from doing the work you were born to do.
It’s time to stop hiding your gifts from the world and start embracing the inevitable criticism that comes with creativity.
How Do You Not Let Criticism Bother You?
As long as there is creativity, there will be criticism of it.
If your goal is to avoid criticism, as Aristotle said, “Say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.”
If you’re going to do anything in life, you’re going to have critics. As you grow and gain more and more awesome fans, you’ll also gain more and more critics. It comes with the territory. But it doesn’t have to tear you down.
Here are four things you need to know about criticism:
- You’re being judged and criticized right now. People judge the clothes you wear, music you listen to, your politics, stuff you own, personal beliefs, how you spend your money, how you raise your kids, what car you drive, where you live, who you worship, and who you love. Be honest: You judge yourself, too. Human beings are judging machines.
- The bigger game you play, the more criticism you’ll receive. It’s just how it goes. The more you put yourself out there — and the bigger difference you make — the more people come out the woodwork to tear you down.
- Always consider the source. I’ve never received a piece of hurtful, vitriolic criticism from anyone I admire or respect. Most successful people don’t have time to harshly criticize others. They’re too busy making change and living their lives. The harshest critics are often bystanders on the sidelines of life who risk nothing and create nothing.
- Use what helps. Leave the rest. Most criticism is irrelevant. It’s just someone’s opinion. And you know the saying: Opinions are like a certain part of human anatomy. Everyone has one, and most of them stink. But don’t be so fragile that you miss information that could help you. When you hear criticism, ask yourself, “Is there any part I can use to grow and do better?”
What Does Criticism Do to a Person?
You may be the most confident, successful person in the world — but criticism can still hit like a ton of bricks. It can make you feel like a failure. Inadequate. Embarrassed. Exposed.
Constant or manipulative criticism can be extremely destructive and aggravate feelings of depression or anxiety, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.
Words are powerful. No question about that. But here’s what you need to remember: not all criticism is bad.
Constructive criticism is a valuable tool that can help you grow. The trick is knowing what’s helpful and what’s not worth your time or attention.
Constructive criticism
Supportive and caring folks usually share advice with you in private, after you’ve asked for their input. When they do, they do it in a way that will boost your growth, not stunt it by making you fearful or self-conscious.
The people closest to me offer this kind of constructive feedback. I’m grateful they look out for me, and I work hard to do the same for them.
Unsure whether a piece of criticism is constructive or not? After conducting a series of focus groups, some academic researchers created a model for constructive criticism that includes these three elements:
- You need to respect the critic and believe they care about you.
- The message must be well-intentioned, targeted, and offer specific guidance for improvement.
- You must be motivated to change.
Destructive criticism
Sometimes someone says something so horrible about you or your work that you’re left thinking, “Oh my god! How could someone be that mean?”
That’s not cool.
Insults don’t help you learn or grow, and people who lob them at you don’t care about making change. You don’t have to tolerate anyone being mean or cruel.
Don’t let someone come into your house and take a hot steamy dump on your living room floor.
If that happens in person, walk away. If it’s online, delete, disengage, block, unsubscribe — flush that dump down the toilet.
Sometimes mean things stick with you for a while, but remember: If mean words keep popping up in your mind, don’t let them drop down and poison your soul. Those insults say less about you and far more about the person who said them.
Use those insults to fuel your fire.
Prove those nasty naysayers wrong. Use their severely misguided opinion to inspire you to be an even greater success than you already know you’re going to be.
How Do You Handle Criticism?
Once you recognize the criticism you’re receiving is constructive, you can receive it and use it to learn and grow. This takes practice, but will be well worth the effort.
If you’re feeling triggered when someone gives you constructive criticism, here are some steps that will help you process the feedback and respond with kindness:
- Do a body scan. Notice your initial reaction by how you feel in your body. Do you feel yourself stiffening in defense or heating up with embarrassment? Do you feel anxiety in your stomach or hear negative self-talk in your head?
- Take a beat. Before you respond, take a breath, relax tension in your muscles. If you don’t feel emotionally prepared to receive feedback, ask to have the conversation another time when you can show up ready to listen and respond calmly.
- Say “you’re right.” These magical words can diffuse any contentious situation. Consider what might be true about the criticism, and acknowledge it. Repeat the critique back in your own words to show you’re listening and to make sure you understand.
- Thank them. Offering feedback isn’t easy, so thank the critic for caring about your growth and development, and trusting you enough to share it with you.
- Turn it into action. After the conversation (or during, depending on who you’re talking to), make a plan to change. The person offering criticism might have suggestions, but ultimately, you know the best way to incorporate this new insight into your life. It’s up to you to take consistent action.
Most importantly, remember that responding to criticism doesn’t include making excuses, rationalizing, apologizing, or arguing your case. You don’t have to justify yourself or convince someone they’re wrong. Just listen, and use what helps.
Insult-Proof Your Ego
If the words coming your way belong in the category of destructive criticism, know this: You don’t have to respond to it or change yourself.
Yes, it will still sting sometimes.
But If you’re going to do anything in this world, you’re going to get haters. These people don’t know you and they share their opinions with you, anyway. And it’s usually mean and in public, i.e. social media.
Don’t give them your power.
People can say whatever they want, but you don’t have to take it in or let it ruin your day. Your time on this earth is precious, and you have to protect your soul.
Make this your new mantra for anytime some nasty criticism or BS comes your way: You cannot take me down; I will not give you that power.
With your power intact, here’s another simple way to salve the sting of a nasty critique: Have a good laugh.
Laughter disarms anything you find scary. Once you find the humor in something, it’s hard to take it seriously.
In case you’re not ready to laugh at your own critics yet, watch this MarieTV where I share some “feedback” from my critics — and have loads of fun laughing it off.
Are You Ready to Embrace Criticism?
I’ll wrap up with one of my favorite quotes about criticism, from Teddy Roosevelt:
“It’s not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, because there is not effort without error and shortcomings.
“But who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
Now, let’s turn this insight into action…
Take 5 to 10 minutes today and practice receiving criticism by giving your critics the mic.
Not literally. Instead, in your journal, go off on yourself:
- Write the exact words you’d be crushed to hear about what you’re creating or doing.
- Take a deep breath, and read it to yourself or aloud to a soulmate.
Boom! The worst anyone can say about you has already been said.
When you bring your fears to light, they lose all their power. How can anyone hurt you now?
Bring on the critics. You got this.
With so much love,