
‟Before B-School I was trapped in a corporate job that was causing my family to fall apart. Now, I get to tailor my work and business around my family.”

Janice Windt

Time Management Coach For Working Moms

South Africa

‟Before B-School I was trapped in a corporate job that was causing my family to fall apart. Now, I get to tailor my work and business around my family.”

Janice Windt

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I wasn’t coping. I was holding down an incredibly stressful corporate job with two kids under two. When I walked through the revolving doors into my office job, my mask went on. No one had any idea what was happening in my personal life. But at home the wheels were coming OFF. I felt trapped. I found myself losing my temper with my two young boys and then hating myself for it. I wanted out but I had no idea how to go about leaving my stable and successful corporate job for a life that was more authentic to my calling and purpose.

I trusted Marie. I saw that she had been incredibly successful in the new digital world of business. Somehow I knew that whatever business I started would need to reach thousands of people online. Marie had been there and done that. I wanted to learn from her experience.

I am now the Founder & CEO of the Working Mothers Expo as well as a Time Management & Productivity Coach for Working Mothers. It feels incredible to know that I am actually helping moms and making a meaningful difference to their marriages, their work and their families. I am invited to speak at events like the launch of Commonwealth Businesswomen Africa and the UK Baby Show & #Meetup. I get to tailor my work schedule and my business growth around my current focus on my growing family. Best of all, I get to help working moms like me go from stress, anxiety and guilt to feeling present and in control. Able to thrive both at work and at home. What a gift B-School has given me!

Before B-School I was trapped in a corporate job that was causing my family to fall apart. After B-School I am fearless. I am a speaker. I am serving the moms my heart breaks for. Women who are facing challenges similar to those I have overcome. I’m doing all this while still prioritising my husband and two young boys in the way I have always dreamed of doing. I am living the life I was called to live.

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Janice Windt

Time Management Coach For Working Moms

South Africa