Hi! I'm Marie
You have gifts to share with the world and my job is to help you get them out there.
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Button TextToday is a very special Tuesday.
- It’s (almost) the 3rd anniversary of MarieTV
- Today’s episode was made especially to honor YOU
Here’s the scoop. A few months back, we asked you to share stories with us about MarieTV. How you found us, what changes you’ve been inspired to make, and anything else you wanted to share.
At first, we had no idea exactly how we’d turn all this goodness into an episode. But once we started reviewing the submissions, we figured it out.
We both laughed and cried at your funny, inspiring, heartfelt, and totally unexpected stories.
Your diversity, quirkiness, heart and soul inspired us to create the first (and possibly last) MarieTV Shoutie awards.
It’s a cliché thing to say, but it is true. Without you, there would be no MarieTV. Josh and Kuma would be absolutely sick of my advice (especially Kuma) and non-stop references to 90s hip-hop.
So thank you, truly, for being a part of my life. Thank you for helping us make it to 3 years of our show. And thank you for so graciously allowing us to share in your hopes and dreams each and every week.
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Are we speeding and rolling?
We are.
I'm just kidding. Hey, it's Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be if you want to create a business and life you love and I think you do. Because today is a very special day. Not only is it New Year's Eve, but it's also the third anniversary of MarieTV. That is what I'm talking about. Never too early in the day to get a little drunk on positivity. We like to call it posi-tipsy.
Welcome to club abundance where the dancing is dirty, but the inspiration is pure.
Everybody get posi-atipsy.
Everybody get posi-tipsy.
Everybody get posi-tipsy.
Everybody get posi-tipsy.
Now that was just the pre-party. But the real event is coming right now and the guest of honor is you. Now a few months ago we asked for your help regarding this episode. Why? Because without you MarieTV really wouldn't exist. I mean if you didn't open up my emails, if you didn't watch our crazy-ass videos, this show would not be here right now. So thank you so much. So we got a ton of submissions and while I can't give a shout out to everybody, we chose some of the best and we're going to honor them right now. Let's go.
Welcome to the first and possibly last MarieTV Anniversary Shouties. And now your host Marie Forleo.
You guys are too much. Thank you. Thank you. Please sit. Thank you. All right, so here we go. Today's first Shoutie goes to Danielle Ford from the Young Mom's Club. It's youngmomsclub.com for the most unlikely pairing. And she says, "There's only two people in the world whose videos I can't wait to watch and who I travel thousands of miles to see live and they are Marie Forleo and "Weird Al" Yankovic." Thank you so much Danielle. I think.
Our next Shoutie goes to Grace Smith for the best use of holla. And no, not the bread. Grace says, "Before MarieTV, I had an impressive resume and a hollow life, but after watching MarieTV I have a kick ass resume and a holla life. Seriously, you've changed everything Marie. Thank you." No thank you, Grace and hollaback girl.
The next Shoutie is for the most meaningful comment from a male waxing professional and the Shoutie goes to Omar from doyouwaxit.com. And he says, "For the last six years I've experienced a lot of failure and started to feel like a fraud. For a while, I lost hope in the business world and felt the only way to make it was to be dishonest. Then I watched your Not Good Enough video and realized it's possible to have a profitable, fun and ethical business. I want to genuinely thank you and your team for making a difference every day and inspiring me to be a better business person and a better person in general." Thanks a lot Omar. We really appreciate that. We want you to keep on watching and keep on waxing.
The next Shoutie is for the most flattering amnesia and it goes to Pernille from thedivinewriter.com. When asked how she discovered MarieTV, she says, "I honestly don't remember, but then again, I also don't remember life before MarieTV." Neither do we Pernille. Neither do we.
The next award is for the best multi-passionate career and the Shoutie goes to Tracy Vasquez from sugarbeez.com who says she's a police dispatcher/cookie artist.
We got a 187 on Fudge Stripe Lane. The perp is described as a nutterbutter. Please proceed with a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies. Do you copy?
All kidding aside, Tracy is amazing. She's a single mom. She has not two but three jobs. She's a medical editor, a part time dispatcher and she has her custom cookie business. And Tracy says she loves MarieTV and without it she would not have learned to be humble and she would not have as many great friends like the one and only Tangela Ekhoff.
See, I'm just everyday I'm going to just like... I'm going to dance-bomb you. See. What? What? You don't want that.
Tracy, thank you so much for watching and keep kicking multi-passionate ass. Staying on the theme of sweets, the next up is the best dessert-based analogy. And the Shoutie goes to Lissette Guzman in San Diego, whose company, Madame X, creates short run custom decorated shoes and lingerie. She writes, "My biz and life plans before MarieTV was like a crazy, gooey hot fudge sundae, mess melting all over the place. Good but disorganized. But after watching MarieTV, I'm finding my biz and life can be like a lovely scoop of chocolate gelato in a chilled crystal bowl. A little better and more refined and defined and with purpose because, hey, I deserve it." Lissette, don't we all?
And Lissette is sweeping the Shouties tonight with a second nod for the best cosmic discovery. And she writes, "In my quest to lose weight, I stumbled across an old Crunch DVD and one of the instructors was Marie."
Here we go. We take it to the right for four and to the left for four. Do it again.
"Her routine was the one I liked the most and she had such a vivacious, fun and engaging personality that I started looking for other videos with her in it. I typed her name on Google and was happy to find, she was not just a fitness instructor, but there was this whole motivational Marie-verse out there." Girl, that is something NASA has known for years.
Next up, the always popular category of best, great grandma redemption story and the Shoutie goes to Linda Lochridge Hoenigsberg. Or you can call this, "You think you got a bad award?" Because she's endured, well, a shocking list of ordeals, which you should really read about below this video.
They've included living on the streets as a teen, unimaginable horrors and being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. But today she says, "I've overcome all of this and live a joy-filled life because of a wonderful husband, three children, 10 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren a career I love helping others, and a new venture into selling online information products. MarieTV was the inspiration for that." Linda, a therapist with a full private practice also tells us she didn't begin her education until age 51. Linda, you've inspired us. You are one great shrink and one great grandmama.
Next up is the best unpronounceable compliment and the Shoutie goes to Cynthia Frenette from greencouchdesigns.com who told me, "I love your approach, I love your voice and your kick-ass-ivity." Thanks for watching Cynthia.
And the final category for tonight is for the best comment that retaught me what I taught her and it goes to Ese Walter. She's a writer and a radio host from Nigeria who's empowering young women and men in her country on how to avoid abuse and thrive after coming out of abusive situations. Ese says, "The main thing I've learned from MarieTV is I'm not for everyone. This singular discovery has delivered me from the pits of despair when I feel my work is not appreciated by people, I just say, "They ain't for me," and carry on with the work I love. Ese, that's some good stuff. Did I say that? Thank you all so much for coming and now back to me in the studio. Me.
There are so many more Shouties and super inspiring stories that we wanted to mention. So we're doing it right below this video. And if you want to add your own story or maybe just a New Year's wish, leave a comment below. As always, the best discussions happen after the episode over at marieforleo.com, so go there and leave a comment now.
Thank you so much for helping us get to our third anniversary. Thank you for watching, for commenting and being part of our family. We love you. We wish you a beautiful new year filled with tons of prosperity and loads of posi-tipsy. So, stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because...
The world needs that special gift that only you have.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
B-School is coming up. Want in? For more info and free training. Go to joinbschool.com. So, I mean I don't want to eat flesh. That's not what I'm saying. But there's something fun about going "[har, har, har 00:09:12]." that's because I really wanted you near me. Rapunzel, Rapunzel. Pap smear. Finally, it's happened to me. Okay. I love Alex. Just give me a nod, say, "Hey Shoutie." This is so dumb. It's great.
As promised, here are just a few more from the hundreds of incredible stories you shared. Once again, a huge, huge thank you to everyone who submitted. We read every single word you wrote!
1. Linda Lochridge Hoenigsberg
I have overcome so much in my life. I ask people, “What does being raised in a neglectful, alcoholic home, a placement in juvenile hall, getting kicked out of high school at 15, married at 16, motherhood at 17, admission to the State Mental Hospital at 18, a gang rape, abuse, abandonment, life on the streets, drug abuse, serious mental illness, the suicides of a brother and a father, a broken neck, and an inoperable brain tumor with one year to live all have in common? One woman: Me!” I started my masters degree while recovering from an extremely risky brain surgery, unable to walk, double vision, hearing loss, fatigued.
I had many fears about ever recovering, but I went on anyway. I have overcome all of this and live a joy filled life because of a wonderful husband, 3 children, 10 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren, a career I love helping others, and a new venture into selling online information products. MarieTV was the inspiration for my online venture.
I anticipate each new episode, and even if I am in my office in between clients, I will find the time to grab a latte and watch the latest episodes. It lifts me up, inspires my work, and expands my vision for myself and my career.
2. Donna Knutt
I build websites and teach kids from underrepresented communities how to code here in NYC. One of the concepts that stood out for me or that I re-discovered after watching MarieTV was to focus on serving and giving. Often times we get caught up in the idea of growing and sustaining our business that we forget why we’re even doing what we’re doing. So when I started to think about my business from that point of view, things started to dramatically change. Before MarieTV I was struggling with balancing my business and life as a new mom, but after watching MarieTV I have a clearer understanding of how to manage it all.
I came across a wonderful nonprofit organization, Black Girls Code, that was teaching young girls to code, and I was instantly interested in helping out. Everything about their mission spoke to me and I knew it would be a great way for me to make use of my web development skills while making an impact in these girls lives. I met with the founder at an event in the city and started talking about ways we can bring BGC to NY. Long story short, I now co-lead the New York chapter of this wonderful organization and have seen hundreds of girls go through our programs with a new found passion to code. Had I not made that initial step and got involved, I wouldn’t have had the privilege to experience all that I’ve had so far. I’ve met some amazing folks, and have learned so much in the short time that I’ve been with the organization. I’ve attended conferences, had multiple speaking engagements (with little to no prior experience; I did it anyway!), and my most proud moment, was talking about BGC at the recent Oreilly Strata Conference in NY (both a nerve racking and exciting experience)!
3. Charlotte Smith
I own/operate a farm called Champoegcreamery that sells pastured animal products including raw milk (milk straight from the cow) grass fed beef, eggs, and chickens. Our raw milk helps hundreds of people maintain really great health, and also has helped many of them overcome huge health challenges– eczema, allergies, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, chron’s disease, colitis, acid reflux, and more.
I feel like I now have permission to be confident in what I do and who I am, and stop fearing that others would think I’m arrogant, cocky, presumptuous. Before MarieTV I thought – who am I to step up and be an expert in my field? After MarieTV I thought – yes, I am already recognized as an expert in my field and my field is just waiting for me to step into that role, own that role. I now get asked to speak at so many events I have to say no to some. I got a call from California (I live in Oregon) by PBS producers who said they heard I was an expert in my field and they asked to film me for a documentary (2 days filming on our farm, airing next spring). This was HUGE!! I hear Marie’s voice in my head if I ever have a doubt (oh so rare) telling me I am obligated to embrace all my gifts and talents and get up there and do what I’m meant to do!
In less than one year of MarieTV episodes I’ve taken my previously scattered efforts and confidence and focused it into this amazing, burning power that has helped hundreds of people. We’ve tripled our income in one year to well over 6 figures and I can help more people because of that. I also used to be apologetic for making money selling our products that changed people’s lives forever and they were grateful for. I feel great making money knowing I’m able to help more and more people. And, the more I make the more I give away and help those less fortunate in some way. Lastly, I am changing my industry. Becoming aligned with who I am, what I do, and my calling has opened doors for me to work on legislation in Oregon, improving the quality of the raw milk produced by others in our state, which will hopefully lead to legislation expanding the currently very limiting laws. People have been calling on me to do this for years, now I have the complete alignment in every way to do so.
4. Berto Garcia
My wife’s all-time favorite book is Make Every Man Want You. Fascinated by her constant reference to Marie’s advice (particularly during “passionate” discussions), I decided to Google the be-jesus out of Ms. Forleo. I saw my first MarieTV video, The Most Dangerous Two-Letter Word for Your Relationship, in Spring of 2011. Ever since then, I’ve been hooked!
There came a disturbing moment in my life when I realized that I wasn’t happy. I became lost, angry, and eventually depressed.”What have I done with my life?” I would ask myself. It wasn’t until I consistently watched MarieTV that I was given the energy to get up and dust the dirt off my shoulders. Before MarieTV, my life was all about what I could GET. But, after watching MarieTV, my life is all about what I can GIVE to others.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. If I had a daughter, I would name her Marie simply because it’ll remind me that there really are loving, kind, compassionate, inspirational, generous, genuine, and overall amazing people in this world. Thank you, Marie, for sharing YOUR gift with the rest of us.I wish you all the blessings in the Universe.
5. Jaya Marr
My husband and I run a small Mountain Guide Training school based in Patagonia and Alaska. Marie, you are a super classy very urban kind of girl, I live in a tent in the mountains for about 150 days a year. I never wear makeup and I seldom wear dresses, but we share the same kinds of dreams and the same kinds of challenges in our lives. I really like that, no matter the external trapping of how we pursue our lives, there is such a strong commonality. It’s pretty lonely being an entrepreneur, so I really appreciate being able to listen to your take on things and reset my perspective and know that there are other folks out there in the world going through the same trials as me.
One thing I have really struggled with is to step up and see myself as the boss, to really value my time and to understand the value of what I do. Before I found Marie TV my life was great, full, challenging, but I felt like a lonely little cloud without a wider community of like minded people, however after Marie TV I feel less alone and inspired that there are lots of other cool people making changes and not settling.
6. Gilda Doganiero
I own a small wholesale bakery specializing in traditional biscotti. Gilda’s Biscotti Inc. was forged out of my apartment while I was still working full time at the Four Seasons Hotel (Philadelphia) in the pastry Department. Thanks to MarieTV, I finally got into a cage match with my “starving artist-i’m not a business person-bullshit rhetoric” and started to see my business for what it is.
We go to great lengths to make these hard Italian cookies. We use exceptional ingredients, deliver great honest service and employ several people with a great job. Once I polished this little ditty and replaced that old mindless chatter with this new one, great things started happening.
Sales have almost doubled, we have rolled out two new offerings that people are thrilled about, we are hiring for another shift and we are picking up new business left and right.
Now, I’d love to hear from you.
Tell us your own MarieTV story below – or anything else you’d like to share.
Thank you, as always, for reading, watching and being a part of this incredible community.
We wish you and your family a happy, healthy, prosperous and blessed 2014!!