Hi! I'm Marie
You have gifts to share with the world and my job is to help you get them out there.
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I’m sunkissed and ridonkulously inspired after a weekend business event called Summit at Sea.
Myself and over 1000 other thought leaders, authors, scientists, entrepreneurs, and artists (think Imogen Heap, Pitbull, The Roots, and world-famous Swedish DJ Axwell) took over an entire cruise ship in the Caribbean for a weekend of extreme mind-expansion and endless late night dance parties.
It was absolutely incredible.
I L-O-V-E connecting with people. And events like this are filled with folks who are actually making things happen. From ambitious start-ups to multi-billion dollar ventures (yes, billion with a B), I noticed a common thread in my fellow Summit cruisers: the ability to use fear to one’s advantage.
In fact, this common thread is the #1 “inner game” skill that separates the uber successful (and happy) business owners from those who struggle to make any real progress.
Here’s the good news. Anyone can develop this ability!
Here’s the bad news. Most of us have been programmed in exactly the WRONG way to deal with fear and instead find ourselves completely debilitated. Most people think fear means fu*k everything and run. And unfortunately, most people never break out of this misinformed, painful mind state.
In the video below, I’ll show you the right way to deal with fear and how to use it to your advantage to fuel you ahead. Plus, you’ll learn a simple method to set your brain on autopilot to help you achieve your dreams.
I honestly believe what you’re about to learn can positively alter the trajectory of your business and life so I highly recommend you watch this now.
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Hi, it's Marie and it's Q & A Tuesday! Q: “Hi, Marie. Every week I look forward to your Q & A video because they're always so informative and useful." Thank you so much! "I have a question about business and fear. I'm 25 and recently finished Grad school and have been trying to launch a freelance writing career. I've small jobs here and there but nothing as substantial as I want and I know I can handle. I know part of it is simply getting started and wrapped up in that fear of failing and even a little fear of succeeding." Hmm, interesting. "How can I either get over this fear and start my business successfully or use the fear to my advantage?"
A: This is so juicy! Juicy, juicy, juicy like a ripe peach! (Kiss: Smack) Here's why it's so juicy, it's not about getting over your fear. It's about getting into your fear. Booyah! No seriously, it really is about getting into your fear. So here's the whole thing about fear and my man Josh Pais taught me this. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant man! "Fear is nothing but fuel." Fear, if you really break it down is a sensation in your body and unfortunately, our society has conditioned most of us out of experiencing it.
So it's something that we push against, we resist. We don't even want to look at it. When in reality that fear is incredible fuel that can just jet blast you towards your dreams. Here's what I mean, once a mentor taught me this that fear is excitement with the brakes on and the whole secret to using fear to your advantage is to learn how to what Josh calls "party with your fear." What does that mean?
It means experience fear as a sensation in your body without going into the mental drama about, "Oh my God, am I going to fail?" Or, "Oh my God, am I going to succeed?" And, put all of your attention on feeling what the sensations feel like. Is it champagne bubbles? Do you feel a little bit like when you're going on a roller coaster and you're going up, up, up the hill, and you're like, "Oh, my God! My stomach's getting butterflies."
But then what happens, right? If you get stuck at the top of that roller coaster ride, it would be terrifying. You would be frozen in that one spot if you just stopped and you didn't experience all of it but if you actually let yourself go and you ride the fear, all of a sudden it turns into exhilaration and it's like the best freaking time ever! That is what's possible when you party with your fear.
"Hey, fear! Looking scary. Did you gain some weight, fear? Looking big in them jeans. Ooh shake it girl!"
Alright, so that's all well and good but let's get more tactical. Now, you know how to pary with your fear and you're going to have a ton of energy that you want to channel into this incredible freelance publishing career slash business. So the first thing that I recommend is clarity. Clarity brings speed and power and all kinds of good stuff, here's why. You have a part of your brain, we all do. It's called the reticular activating system.
It sounds more complicated than it actually is. In reality, it's quite simple. It's this tiny, tiny, like the size of your fingernail little piece of your brain stem that's responsible for filtering in and filtering out information. As you know, it would be impossible for us to take in the millions and millions, and millions of pieces of information of sensory data that's coming in all over us. So the reticular activating system helps you narrow in on what's most important for you. It tells your brain what to focus on.
So if you have ultimate clarity about your business fantasy, right? What kind of publications do you want to write for? How much money you want to make? What are the people that you want to associate with? Like a really crystal clear picture of this dream career that you're creating. Your brain will help you bring your dreams into reality. It actually becomes a partner in you having everything that you want. So it's really easy! Doesn't require anything besides you having clarity.
So the next thing that I recommend for you is getting yourself what's known as a "power posse!" When you're first starting out and you want to launch something big. You're creating something from nothing. You need other awesome people to hang out with and more specifically people that are instigating and initiating their own success. Here's why it's important, for any of us who are on a somewhat of an entrepreneurial path, we need other people to hang out with.
We need to share notes with people. We need to be able to talk about our disappointments, to talk about our wins, and to keep each other going. This is hugely important! I know in my life when I first started most of my friends were not on an entrepreneurial path and they thought I was this alien coming from another planet. So I really had to create my own power posse that helped lift me up and really moved me along much faster than I would have on my own.
Where do you find a power posse? Well, it's a really great question. I started looking online for people that were up to the same kind of things that I was up to. Blogs, live events, social media's an excellent way to start to connect and form your own. So if you want to come hang out with me and some of my power posse. We've got two amazing events coming up!
First one is called Selling Your Soul, controversial. It's on May 12 in New York City, information is somewhere around here and then we've got another big event in the fall, we're tapping Hot Live. We'll have nearly 300 women from all over the planet who will be an ideal power posse for whatever you want to create on the planet and you're invited to both of those.
Alright so, that's what we've got for you today! I hope you enjoyed it! I certainly enjoyed being with you. If you like this video, please like it. Leave a comment, let me know what you think. And, if you'd like more great videos like this and articles and all kinds of good stuff, come see me at marieforleo.com and be sure to signup for the newsletter. Thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you next time!
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